Essential Information Every Landlord Needs to Know Before Eviction

Not following proper procedures when terminating a lease agreement can cost a landlord a lot of time and money, and with one simple mistake, force them to start the process over from the beginning. Before starting the lease termination process, consider these guidelines.

landlord evictionEven the best landlord-tenant relationship can turn problematic if a tenant fails to comply by the lease agreement. When the tenant fails to abide by the lease agreement, the landlord may have no other choice but to evict the tenant. Not following the proper procedures when terminating a lease agreement can cost the landlord a lot of time and money and with one simple mistake, force them to start the process over from the beginning. Before starting the lease termination process, consider these guidelines.

A landlord must have a legal reason to evict a tenant

The most common reason to evict a tenant is failure to pay rent. A landlord simply cannot allow a tenant to continue to live in the unit for free. Another reason for eviction is the tenant damaging the property or not abiding by the terms of the lease. Perhaps the tenant has a dog in the unit when the lease agreement stated no pets were allowed. A landlord has the legal right to evict if the tenant uses or is dealing drugs in the unit. If the landlord does not have cause to terminate the lease agreement, then they must wait until the end of the lease term.

The first step in terminating the lease agreement should be a written notice to the tenant. The reason for terminating the lease will determine what type of notice should be given.

  • Five-Day Notice to Pay Rent: If a tenant fails to pay rent on time, the landlord should give the tenant a 5- day notice. The notice lets the tenant know that unless payment is received within 5 days, the landlord will proceed with eviction of the tenant.
  • Ten-Day Notice to Quit: If a tenant violates any part of the lease agreement, they should be given a ten-day notice to quit. This notice gives the tenant 10 days to move out because of failure to comply with the lease. If the tenant does not move out within the 10 days then the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit.
  • Unconditional Quit Notice: This notice should be given to a tenant that is using or selling illegal drugs in the rental unit. The notice informs the tenant that the tenant has five days to move out and if they don’t comply, the landlord can terminate the lease and begin eviction proceedings against the tenant.

It is illegal for a landlord to try to force a tenant out

This is one of the most common mistakes landlords make in the eviction process. A landlord may not change the locks or shut off the electricity; such lockouts and utility shut offs are prohibited and should be avoided. Taking matters into their own hands could potentially lead to a lawsuit from the tenant and certainly delay eviction efforts. Even if the tenant agrees to the notice or the lawsuit has been won by the landlord, the only person authorized to remove the tenant is a sheriff or constable.

Security deposits must be returned within 45 days of the tenant’s move out

It might be tempting to hold back that security deposit to help offset any damages or unpaid rent, but that idea could cost more in the long run. Any security deposit wrongfully withheld is subject to double damages should the tenant seek legal action.

Landlords should seek experienced guidance to navigate the rules and regulations of eviction to ensure the process doesn’t cost more than what has already been lost due to a bad tenant. An experienced attorney can guide you through the process to avoid a costly mistake. Churchill, Quinn, Richtman, & Hamilton Ltd. has experience working with many clients through landlord-tenant litigation. We are committed to helping our clients through all aspects of the landlord-tenant relationship, including lease agreement termination. Contact us at 847-223-1500 before starting the eviction process.

Source here & here

Simple Steps To Find The RIGHT Contractor

When you’re ready to hire a contractor for that big home improvement project, you want to have the right person for the job. The process of finding a contractor doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Consider these tips as you start your search.

find a contractorWhen you’re ready to hire a contractor for that big home improvement project, you want to have the right person for the job. The process of finding a contractor for your job doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Consider these tips as you start your search for your next home improvement job.

 Do Your Research

You will want to know as much as possible about your contractor before signing a contract. Word of mouth recommendations are a great way to evaluate previous jobs. Ask your friends and neighbors for recommendations, especially those that have had a similar project completed. Contact your village and the Better Business Bureau to check for any complaints filed against the contractor. Ask for and check references supplied by the contractor and ask them about their use of subcontractors. You should then follow up with the subcontractors to ask them about their experiences working with the contractor. An important element of the subcontractor agreement is the mechanic’s lien. The mechanic’s lien is a safeguard for the subcontractor to ensure he or she is paid for labor and materials by the contractor. If you are not familiar with mechanic’s liens, contact Churchill, Quinn, Richtman, & Hamilton for guidance.  You want to be sure the contractor has a good payment history with their subcontractors because they can put a lien on your home if they are not paid.

 Have a Detailed Contract

Having a detailed contract that clearly states all expectations about the project will relieve a lot of worry throughout the project. The contract is like your guide map to the project and you want to be sure you and the contractor are in alignment on each step of the process. In fact, in Illinois, all home remodeling projects totaling over $1,000 require a written contract detailing the who, what, where, when and cost. The best way to start your project feeling confident the work will be done to specifications is to have a trusted attorney by your side.

The attorneys of Churchill, Quinn, Richtman, & Hamilton, Ltd are experienced in the intricacies of construction litigation. We have assisted many clients in reviewing contracts as well as providing representation in the event the contract has been breached. Contact our office at 847-223-1500 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Source here

Avoid These 5 Critical Mistakes When Starting a Small Business

Starting a new small business can be challenging and is often overwhelming. But the best way to ensure success is to be prepared right from the start. Don’t jump into anything without doing your homework first – and avoid these common mistakes at all costs.

small business mistakesIt’s a staggering fact that 20% of new businesses will fail in their first year.  And half will not make it to the five year point.   Starting a new small business can be challenging and is often overwhelming.  But the best way to ensure success is to be prepared right from the start.  Don’t jump into anything without doing your homework first – and avoid these common mistakes at all costs.

Not Spending Enough Time Planning

You can never be too prepared when launching a small business.  Take the time during the important planning phase to develop a strong business plan, including a detailed financial plan for the business and an effective marketing strategy.  Thoroughly research who your ideal customer is, and examine the market in order ensure that your product or service is priced appropriately.  You will likely need this information in order to obtain a small business loan, and it will give you a solid foundation on which to grow the company.

 Not Hiring an Experienced Small Business Attorney

From beginning to end, there will be legal issues to contend with, documents to prepare and submit, licenses to apply for, and employment matters to understand.  Making a mistake at any time can wind up costing your business unnecessary fees or fines, or much more if a lawsuit is filed against the company.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd can be a valuable resource for any legal challenges your business may face.

Choosing the Wrong Type of Business Ownership

Don’t be hasty in your decision of how to classify your small business.  You can choose from sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company (LLC), corporation (for-profit), non-profit corporation, or cooperative.  Selecting the correct entity structure is crucial to the success of your organization.  Our attorneys have in-depth experience in business formation and can help you determine the best option for your small business.

Not Investing in Marketing

It’s wise to spend cautiously, especially in the start-up phase, but there are some things that require an investment in order to help your business grow.  Many new businesses believe word-of-mouth advertising will be enough.  Chances are – it will not be.  With competition from brick and mortar businesses, as well as seemingly unlimited online outlets, letting potential customers know about your business and setting yourself apart from the rest is important to survive.

Not Putting Agreements in Writing

Written contracts are extremely important, as they eliminate any possible misunderstandings that could lead to a lawsuit against your company.  Always insist on written agreements before providing a product or service or before entering into a partnership.  Our experienced attorneys can help create appropriate contracts for these situations, as well as non-disclosure agreements, non-compete agreements or general employment contracts.

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is highly proficient in business law and we are committed to helping our clients achieve the highest levels of success.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Attorney Jencie Richtman Exemplifies Compassion by Helping Veterans for Free

For everything that veterans sacrifice for our country, it is an honor to be able to find a way to make their lives easier when they are in need. Jencie Richtman is committed to accomplishing that goal, and has been recognized as a standout volunteer for Public Interest Law Initiative’s veteran’s pro bono program.

helping veteransFor everything that veterans sacrifice for our country, it is an honor to be able to find a way to make their lives easier when they are in need.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd’s own Jencie Richtman is committed to accomplishing that goal, and has been recognized as a standout volunteer for Public Interest Law Initiative’s veteran’s pro bono program.

Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network (IL-AFLAN)

Jencie volunteers through Public Interest Law Initiative’s IL-AFLAN, representing veterans, active duty military and their spouses and dependants who are in need of legal services across Illinois.  They may need assistance with discharge upgrades, benefits appeals, or civil legal problems like family, housing or consumer issues.  Jencie provides these services free of charge, out of the kindness of her heart, to those who cannot afford them.

Why She Volunteers With Veterans

As a newer attorney, she wanted a productive and fulfilling way to make use of any down time at the office.  She feels this is a respectable organization and is proud to honor our veterans and active military by offering them legal services that may not be able to acquire otherwise.

Jencie joined Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd in 2017 and specializes in decedent’s estate administration, guardianships, trust administration, estate planning, and real estate.  As a Grayslake native, Jencie’s priority in her practice is to always serve and help those in the community with which she has such a long-standing connection.  She enjoys the challenge of working with veterans’ issues and feels that they are extremely easy to work with and appreciative of her support.

Veterans are truly heroes, and at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd we are all very thankful for their service to our country.  We are also thankful for our own hero, Jencie Richtman, for the selfless service she provides to those veterans in need.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 and read more about Jencie’s efforts here:

Practical Estate Planning Advice for Blended Families

Being part of a blended family where people have been widowed, divorced or remarried can present its share of challenges, with estate planning being one of them. Read on for some tips to navigate these unique hurdles.

blended familiesEstate planning is so important in order to protect your assets and ensure that everything gets properly passed on to your heirs.  But in the case of blended families, things can get complicated.  Being part of a blended family where people have been widowed, divorced or remarried can present its share of challenges, with estate planning being one of them.  Read on for some tips to navigate these unique hurdles.

A Cookie Cutter Will is Not Going to Suffice for Blended Families

You and your current spouse may have kids from previous marriages as well as kids together.  Each of you may bring in assets that were acquired prior to your current relationship.  Making sure that everyone you love is sufficiently provided for can be tricky.  A detailed estate plan that is specifically structured to meet the needs of your family is very important for these situations.  This will ensure that biological children, as well as the new extended family, are all protected.

Good Communication is Important

You may have a plan regarding how you want assets to be distributed, but even if you discuss the plan with your current partner, that doesn’t mean it won’t be questioned by other family members.  Discussing financial plans with current and former spouses when possible can help to avoid surprises down the line.  And of course, putting everything in writing will help to ensure that your wishes will be legally carried out when the time is right.

Choose an Experienced, Reliable Trustee

As much as we would like to hope that the whole extended family will always get along, sometimes that just doesn’t happen.  There might possibly be arguing or tension between the different sides of the family, which means you’ll need someone responsible to maintain control of the situation as well as properly invest or distribute your assets according to your wishes.

Your Attorney Can be a Valuable Resource When Preparing Your Estate Plan

At Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd, we have decades of experience helping our clients prepare for their future and that of their heirs.  We can help guide you through the important decisions that need to be made regarding the division of your assets based on your unique, individual circumstances.  There are many estate planning options that can be tailored to the unique needs of blended families and we can help determine what will most benefit yours.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 to speak to one of our knowledgeable attorneys and get your estate plan started.

Additional information can be referenced here

Reliable Assistance With Employment Disputes

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd effectively represents workers who feel that they have been treated unfairly as well as employers who need to defend their actions. Here are some examples of employment disputes for both employers and employees that we can help resolve.

employment disputesEmployees may not have a clear understanding of what is legally allowed in the workplace.  They may be asked to sign documents that take away important rights, or they could even be asked illegal questions during the interview process.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd effectively represents workers who feel that they have been treated unfairly as well as employers who need to defend their actions.  Here are some examples of employment disputes for both employers and employees that we can help resolve.

Illegal Questions During an Interview

Asking questions about a candidate’s race, religion or gender are probably well-known by employers and employees to be illegal.  But there are also many other topics that should be avoided during an interview, or asked in a specific way, in order to avoid a lawsuit.

For example, one new Illinois law that became effective as of September 29, 2019 prohibits an employer or recruiting agency from asking an applicant (or any of their former employers) about their wage or salary history, either in person or on the written application.  An employer can discuss an applicant’s salary expectations, as well as the salary range for the position, and the applicant may volunteer their earnings history, but the employer may not use it to discriminate against the applicant during the selection process.

We stay current on relevant employment laws and can work with employers to ensure they are fully aware of questions that cannot be legally asked during an interview, or with employment disputes that arise due to employees who feel that have been unfairly discriminated against because of a topic discussed during an interview.

Signing Restrictive Agreements

In order to protect company secrets, product development ideas, processes, etc., employers may require their employees to sign documents such as a non-disclosure agreement or a non-compete agreement.  Both of these documents restrict what an employee can disclose outside of their work environment or the ability to work for a competing company.  These types of documents can be essential to a company’s protection, but they can be confusing to an employee.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd can provide guidance to employers for the proper preparation of these documents, as well as legal advice to employees who are not sure about signing them.

For employees and employers who are caught in the middle of one of these or other employment disputes, Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd can provide the legal assistance you need to come to a successful resolution.  Contact one of our experienced attorneys at 847-223-1500 or visit us online for more information.

Keeping Families Protected for Generations – Video

Keeping Families Protected for Generations

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd has been a proud member, and supporter, of our local community families for over 100 years.  Call 847-223-1500 for your practical, personalized strategy to protect your assets and beneficiaries – now and in the future.

Local Lawyers… Personalized Service…Here When You Need Us.

Serving northern lake county communities such as Grayslake, Round Lake, Gurnee, Libertyville, and many more.

Know Your Legal Rights: 7 Basic Facts About Personal Injury Claims

You may be wondering what types of injuries are typically involved in a personal injury case, and what type of compensation you may be entitled to if you do file a lawsuit. Here is an overview of the types of cases we can assist with and what you might expect from a personal injury lawsuit.

personal injuryWhen a person suffers an injury due to the negligence, carelessness or actions of another person (whether intentional or intentional), a personal injury lawsuit may be the resulting response.  You may be wondering what types of injuries are typically involved in a personal injury case, and what type of compensation you may be entitled to if you do file a lawsuit.  Here is an overview of the types of cases we can assist with and what you might expect from a personal injury lawsuit.

Types of Personal Injury

  • Car accident – Many personal injury cases involve car accidents, as there is usually one driver that isn’t following the rules or is driving carelessly. Often, the insurance companies will handle matters fairly, but sometimes it may need to be escalated through your attorney.
  • Slip and Fall – Property owners have a legal responsibility to keep their premises reasonably safe, so they may be held liable if someone slips and falls due to the owner’s negligence.
  • Medical Malpractice – This occurs when a doctor, hospital or other health care provider causes an injury to their patient through their negligence (such as an error in diagnosis, treatment or health management).
  • Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse – There are numerous acts, or failures to act, that can cause a nursing home to be legally liable for the injury of a patient. Unqualified staff, inadequate safety policies, negligent supervision or substandard medical care can all leave a facility open to a lawsuit.

Types of Compensation for a Personal Injury Case

If the person who has suffered a loss wins their case, the compensation they receive is known as “damages”.  The person at fault (who caused the harm) must pay the damages, often in the form of a monetary award.  There are different types of damages that can be awarded in a personal injury case:

  • Compensatory Damages – these are intended to compensate the injured party for actual, verifiable losses they have incurred, such as medical bills, loss of income or property damage.
  • General Damages – these damages are less tangible, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress or loss of future income.
  • Punitive Damages – these are meant to punish the defendant for particularly appalling conduct. It often results in a very large monetary sum intended to significantly impact the defendant’s pocketbook, in order to deter them from repeating their actions.

The laws governing personal injury cases can be complex, and proving liability can be complicated.  But that should not deter you from seeking justice if you believe someone is legally responsible for your injury.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd has decades of experience representing our clients in their personal injury cases, both in and outside of court.  One of our qualified attorneys will gladly sit down with you or your loved one to determine how we can help, at no cost or obligation.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 or get more information here.

Avoid These Unexpected Loan Closing Nightmares

There are a number of problems that can pop up before or during a loan closing that you may not be prepared for. Working with an experienced attorney is the best way to avoid unplanned obstacles like the following, or to help deal with them if they do arise.

loan closing nightmaresA seller puts their home on the market, and gets a buyer who believes they have found their dream house.  Both parties feel they are all set for the loan closing, as the contract was signed and the loan has been approved.  So what could go wrong?  Unfortunately, there are a number of problems that can pop up before or during the closing that you may not be prepared for.  Working with an experienced attorney is the best way to avoid unplanned obstacles like the following, or to help deal with them if they do arise.

Errors on Documents

Loan documents are legally binding, and should not have any mistakes, no matter how small.  Unfortunately, errors do happen.  They can range from a misspelled name or address, to something even more serious like an incorrect loan amount or missing pages.  To avoid this, your attorney will review all of the important documents ahead of time, paying particular attention to details like name spelling, loan amount, down payment amount, etc.  The sooner any problems are noticed, the easier it will be to get them corrected and avoid any loan closing delays.

Final Walkthrough Issues

When a purchase contract is signed, both parties agree to abide by certain terms and conditions, such the final price, what items, if any, will be left in the house by the seller, and any repairs that are expected to be completed before the closing.   Your attorney is a key part in negotiating these terms.  Issues can arise, however, if the final walkthrough reveals that one or more of these terms has not been met.  Your attorney can help you decide how significant the violations are and if any renegotiations are called for before final loan closing papers are signed.

Title Problems

In order to legally transfer a property during a sale, the title must be completely clear of any prior liens or judgments.  This could include a mortgage, an unpaid contractor’s invoice from home improvement work that was done, or unpaid property taxes.   The property’s title could also be affected by complications due to trust issues or from the settlement of an estate or a divorce.   Your attorney will provide the necessary assistance to clear the title of any liens and ensure that it is legally prepared to close the sale.

The best way to avoid problems during a loan closing is to anticipate the problems ahead of time.  The experienced attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd have assisted in thousands of real estate transactions and can help prepare buyers and sellers for any issues that may arise.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 as early in the process as possible in order to ensure the most successful closing.

Additional information can be referenced here

Replevin: Use This Proven Legal Strategy to Get Personal Property Back

When someone else has possession of property that rightfully belongs to you, a law known as replevin can help you get it back. Read more about this law here.

ReplevinYou’ve heard the expression about possession being 9/10 of the law – but is it really? If a person has physical possession of something that rightfully belongs to someone else, and they intend to keep it, they may throw this saying around as a way of validating their actions.  There is a law that addresses this that is known as Replevin.  Here are some examples of how this law can help an affected party retrieve their belongings.

Replevin Laws

Replevin, also known as claim and delivery, is the legal action of recovering personal property which was wrongfully taken.   When a person claims that they are entitled to keep an item because they are in physical possession of it, it is actually up to the person who is NOT in possession to prove that they are the rightful owner and that they are entitled to posses it.  This burden of proof can often put them at a legal disadvantage.

The specifics of the law can be complex, but our experienced attorneys can help you attain success in court.  We know which steps need to be taken to best support a claim and will help you work within the law to get back what is rightfully yours.

Common Examples 

Broken Engagements

When an engaged couple breaks up, the biggest question is usually who is legally entitled to the ring.  In this situation, both people may feel that they have the legal right to keep it.  Unfortunately, the answer can be determined by several factors, including the circumstances in which the ring was given (for example, if it was given on Christmas, it could be considered a gift) as well as in which state it was given, as laws vary by state.

In Illinois, engagement rings are generally considered a gift with the condition of the promise to get married.  Therefore, if the engagement is called off the ring should go back to the purchaser.  Of course, this is not the ruling in every single case, and laws are continually changing, which is why you should always consult an attorney for valuable items like a ring.

Landlord Disputes

Landlord-tenant disputes can get ugly, and at times can escalate to eviction.  If a landlord believes that a tenant owes money, they may feel justified in keeping some or all of the tenants’ possessions before locking them out of the property.  The renter may use replevin law to sue the landlord in order to repossess the property being withheld.

When a person feels like their rights are being violated because another person will not return property, legal assistance is often needed.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd has knowledgeable, understanding attorneys who will truly listen to you and help you determine if you have a strong legal claim to the property in question.  We know how to win in court, and we always have our clients’ best interests in mind.  Contact us for further information at 847-223-1500 or

Additional information can be referenced here

4 Seriously Inaccurate Estate Planning Myths

The sooner you get your estate in order the better, and it is best to start with accurate information. Here are some common misconceptions about the estate planning process and the realities behind them.

estate planning mythsMany people avoid thinking about the topic of estate planning, because they don’t like the thought that they will be gone one day.  But ignoring the facts just fuels the existence of myths like these that are far from the truth.  The sooner you get your estate in order the better, and it is best to start with accurate information.  Here are some common misconceptions about the estate planning process and the realities behind them.

Estate Planning is Only for the Wealthy

This is one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to estate planning.  While many people think they do not have enough money to warrant an estate plan, the truth is that your estate is made up of any assets you own, such as checking or savings accounts, investments, cars, homes, furniture, clothing, jewelry or retirement accounts.  An estate plan can help ensure these assets are protected should you become disabled or pass away.

My Family Will Distribute My Assets Fairly Without My Direction

No they won’t.  Logic and reasoning tend to be forgotten when money is involved, and even the closest of families can become fractured when left to divide an estate.  It is truly in the best interest of all parties if you have a detailed plan, in writing and legally executed, before it is ever needed.  A proper estate plan can also help your family avoid the probate process, which will save them time, money and grief.

I Can’t Control What Happens to my Assets Once They are Distributed

If you are concerned that your inheritance will be mismanaged or quickly squandered away, there actually are ways to avoid that, but only if you prepare a good estate plan first.  A customized plan, based on your knowledge of your beneficiaries, can distribute an inheritance over time, or through the supervision of a responsible manager.

All I Need is a Will and I Can Prepare That on my Own

You may think that downloading and completing a simple will is all you need to allocate your assets to loved ones.  While that is partially true, there may be problems that can arise with that plan.  A will is a very important component of your estate plan but if it is prepared incorrectly, it might not be legally valid.  When there are complex assets or if minor children are involved, it is probably best to have a qualified attorney prepare the document to avoid any legal issues.

It is also a good idea to speak to your attorney to find out all of the tools available for estate planning needs.  Wills, trusts and guardianship designations can make your intentions known to your loved ones when you pass, while a living will and power of attorney can help protect you while you are alive but incapacitated.

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton have a vast amount of experience in estate planning and our attorneys can help counsel you through the estate planning process.  We will listen carefully and develop a plan based on your specific needs in order to best protect you and your family, now and in the future.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 or visit for more information.

Additional information can be referenced here.

What to do After the Death of a Loved One

The death of a loved one is one of the most stressful times in life, and the question of “What do we do now?” can be overwhelming. Hopefully, these suggestions will help provide a roadmap for the days that follow.

death of a loved oneThe death of a loved one is one of the most stressful times in life, as it can happen suddenly or after a long illness when family and friends are exhausted from months of care preceding the death. The question of “What do we do now?” can be overwhelming.  Hopefully, these suggestions will help provide a roadmap for the days that follow.

The Funeral and Family

First and foremost is taking care of the family and then the funeral.  Everything else can wait.

Be with your family and friends, contact those who should know and make sure pets are taken care of.  Share your sorrow and theirs and ask for all the support you need.

Work with a funeral home to plan the disposition of the deceased and your remembrance of the life now passed.  A good funeral home director can help make the process go smoothly and relieve some of the stress on the family. Decide on an obituary and ask the director to help obtain death certificates.  Ten death certificates are usually sufficient, and more can always be acquired later if needed.

 Find Legal Documents 

Following the death of a loved one, important documents need to be located.  Essential first documents are a Will, trusts, insurance policies, and deeds/titles to real estate. These documents are usually found together in a place of safe-keeping such as a bank’s safe deposit box or in a home safe.  Illinois law requires the will to be filed with the local county’s Court Clerk, which can be done by the executor of the will or with the aid of an attorney.

An Attorney 

Make an appointment with an attorney who practices in the area of probate and estate planning.  The attorney will examine the estate to see if estate taxes need to be filed, to ascertain if probate is required, to see how assets can be transferred, and to give direction for the most expeditious settlement of the estate.  It is important that the attorney becomes involved early in the process, as issues that may be resolved early will often become more complex over time.  Some issues which remain unresolved (such as title to real estate) will become much more difficult for future generations.

“Marshall the Assets”

The process of gathering together the assets of the deceased is called “marshalling the assets”.   This would include determining which properties were owned, such as the primary house, summer/winter homes, time shares, and vacant lots.  Find the personal property, the household furniture and furnishings, jewelry, guns, collections, cars, boats, etc.  Locate all the paper assets like bank accounts, investment and retirement accounts, IRAs, 401k’s, titles to motor vehicles, stocks, bonds, annuities, etc.  Accumulate the debts including mortgages, hospital and medical bills, the funeral bill, credit cards, etc.  All these assets and liabilities will have to be processed to conclude the estate.


The Social Security office will have to be notified, as well as Medicare/Medicaid and the Veterans Administration if applicable, along with other governmental units if the deceased had been an employee or was receiving benefits.


Current and past employers should be contacted.  Pension plans, life insurance, health insurance, medical plans, stock ownership, 401k accounts and other benefits are often managed by a Human Resources department who can provide the necessary information about these accounts.  Sometimes, one department may not have information regarding other benefits, so it is always a good idea to ask for anything else to which the employee had rights.

Utilities and Services

Depending on the disposition of the real estate, contact will have to be made with electric and gas companies, phone and cable services, water/sewer services, and any lawn or snow plowing services. There also may be service contracts for the furnace and appliances, cleaning services, exterminator, security, and fire services.  Look for paid bills or entries in a checkbook or on bank statements to discover what services were being used.


Newspapers, magazines, financial reports, mail, e-mail and online accounts, and other subscriptions may need to be cancelled.  Rebates can often be obtained.  Beware of identity theft, as the report of the death might trigger unscrupulous activity.  You might want to call credit bureaus to report the death so that they can put out an alert on their systems.


It is particularly hard when the deceased loved one was a spouse.  During the time of the funeral and shortly thereafter, people surround the survivor with care and attention.  However, the level of focused attention lessens over time.  Loneliness, frustration, anger, and other hard emotions can flood in.  Snap decisions are not uncommon – the kinds of decisions that would not be made after more time has passed.  It is important to have help during this time, whether it is through a religious figure, a trained professional, a local organization, or the family.  Seek out the support that is needed.  Going it alone is not a recipe for recovery.

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is here to help if you are in need of an experienced attorney to help you close out an estate after the death of a loved one.  There are many things that will need to be taken care of, and our estate planning expertise can help you navigate through this tough time.  Contact our office at 847-223-1500 for more information or to make an appointment.

Lake County IL Amnesty Week

The Lake County Circuit Clerk’s Office has announced its 2019 Amnesty Week, during which all collection fees and accrued interest will be waived on any past due fines owed on criminal and traffic matters in Lake County.

Lake County Amnesty Week

Monday, July 15th – Friday, July 19th, 2019

Interest & Collection Fees Waived

The Lake County Circuit Clerk’s Office, in coordination with the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, is pleased to announce Lake County Amnesty Week will begin Monday, July 15, 2019 and run through Friday, July 19, 2019.  During the week-long period, all collection fees and accrued interest will be waived on any past due fines owed on criminal and traffic matters in Lake County.  Last year over $270,000 in collection and interest fees were waived for participants, and approximately 429 cases were closed.

Full or partial payments are accepted either over the phone or at any of the branch court locations. For more information on the Lake County Amnesty week, visit


Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd. is your local source for personal and business legal assistance for matters pertaining to litigation and appeals, real estate, estate planning and business law.  Located on the same street corner for over 100 years, Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd. has earned its reputation as a firm that combines large firm expertise with the attractive atmosphere of a smaller practice.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 or visit for information about our services or to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.

28th Annual Grayslake 5K Run & Walk

Don’t miss the chance to take part in the 28th Annual Grayslake 5K Run & Walk taking place on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 8:00am. People of all ages and athletic abilities can participate in this day of healthy togetherness, so runners, walkers, strollers and wheelchair athletes are encouraged to participate in this race through historic Grayslake.

Grayslake 5K Run & Walk 2019It’s not always easy to find a great activity that the whole family can enjoy together.  So don’t miss the chance to take part in the 28th Annual Grayslake 5K Run & Walk taking place on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 8:00am.  The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce hosts this event every year, and Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly sponsors it, so people of all ages and athletic abilities can participate in a day of healthy togetherness.  Runners, walkers, strollers and wheelchair athletes are encouraged to participate in this race through historic Grayslake.

For those with a competitive spirit, there will be AWARDS for top 3 finishers in the categories of males overall, wheelchair males overall, females overall, wheelchair females overall, as well as the top three male and female finishers in each of 17 age groups, from age 9 – 80+. The Champion Chip timing system will be used so you can have confidence in the official race results.

The race begins and ends on Center Street in downtown Grayslake.

Participants in the 5K can expect a t-shirt for the first 500 preregistered runners (sizes cannot be guaranteed, but size requests will try to be honored), post race refreshments and a whole lot of fun.  In case you needed another great reason to sign up for the event, Proceeds from the Grayslake Chamber 5K go to the Grayslake Chamber Scholarship Fund which annually provides scholarships to seniors who will be attending a 2 or 4 year college/university.

If you have kids aged 5 – 8 that aren’t up for the distance of the 5K, there’s a special Kids Fun Run just for them that runs from Lake Street to Whitney Street (2 blocks)!  This race starts at 7:30am, and all Fun Run participants receive shirts, ribbons and refreshments.

For registration information, click here:

Antioch Run for Freedom 2019

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly sponsors the 25th Annual Antioch Run for Freedom, a favorite tradition among local participants. Good luck to all the runners!

Antioch Run for FreedomGet your best pair of running shoes ready for the 25th Annual Antioch Run for Freedom being held on Thursday, July 4th, 2019.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor of this 5K run / walk which has become a long-standing tradition among local families and competitive runners alike, as the challenging USATF Certified course winds through the beautiful streets of Antioch.

While families can walk the course and enjoy the time together taking part in a relaxing and healthy event, trained athletes looking for a challenge will enjoy competing for one of the top spots.  Awards will be given to the top three males (overall), top three females (overall), as well as age group awards for the top three males and females in each of 14 age categories (from age 6 to 70+).  The race will be utilizing B-Tag timing technology from ChronoTrack.

The first 1,200 registered participants will receive a great commemorative T-shirt (although sizes are not guaranteed) and complimentary refreshments will be provided, with two water stations along the race route.  The starting location is at the Antioch Scout House, at 770 Cunningham Drive (at the corner of Cunningham Dr & Poplar Ave – 1 block west of Highway 83 / Main St).

Registration is going on now!  The fee to participate is $30 prior to race day, $35 on the day of the race, or a family rate of $80 which includes up to 5 immediate family members (prior to race day only).  Race day registration and packet pickup begins at 6:30am at the Antioch Scout House at 770 Cunningham Dr.  Registration closes at 7:45am sharp and the race begins at 8:00am.

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd wishes all of the runners luck!  For more information, including signup link, course map and link to view race results click here:


Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton is a proud sponsor of the annual Taste of Grayslake event offering food, drinks, fireworks and lots of family fun

Taste of Grayslake event

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 29, 2019 – that’s when the Grayslake Community Park District, along with the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce and the Village of Grayslake will be holding the annual  Taste of Grayslake Family Picnic and Fireworks!

Always a fun family event, come spend the day and take advantage of all the festival has to offer.  Listen to amazing live music from GooRoos, playing favorites from One Republic, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran and more from 3:00pm – 5:30pm, followed by Mike & Joe, one of the nation’s top rock cover bands, from 6:30pm – 9:30pm.

Local food vendors will be dishing out a great selection of some of the best local food throughout the day, and there will be beer and wine available as well.  The kids will stay occupied with activities and rides just for them, and the event will wrap up with a fantastic fireworks display at dusk.

The event starts at 3:00pm and ends after the fireworks, and will be located in Central Park at 250 Library Lane in Grayslake.  Admission is FREE, so don’t miss it!  For more information, visit

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor of this event, as we believe in creating a strong community, and recognize the value of community involvement.    Located on the same street corner for over 100 years, Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd. has earned its reputation as a firm that combines large firm expertise with the attractive atmosphere of a smaller practice.  We successfully represent clients in a wide range of areas including litigation and appeals for both individual and business needs, corporate and personal real estate transactions, estate planning and wealth protection and a range of business services that benefit our corporate clients.  Contact our office at 847-223-1500 to learn more about our legal services or to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.

© Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar 2024 2 S. Whitney Street, Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone: (847) 223-1500   FAX: (847) 223-1700