4 Newly Enacted Illinois Laws Employers Must Know for 2024

Employers take note – There are several new Illinois laws that went into effect on January 1, 2024 that relate to employment. Make sure to stay compliant!

New IL employment laws 2024

Legal obligations are constantly changing in the workplace. And, of course, employers are expected to keep track of these changes and abide by them. There are several new Illinois laws that went into effect on January 1, 2024 that relate to employment so we wanted to bring a few to the attention of IL employers. One addresses earnings, while the others pertain to time off that employees are now legally entitled to. Here’s what employers need to know:

Minimum Wage

The state of Illinois is slowly making its way up to the goal of a $15 per hour minimum wage. Although this law was technically passed in 2019, Illinois will see an increase in the minimum wage to $14 for 2024. It should be noted that the city of Chicago already meets, and in some cases exceeds, the targeted minimum hourly wage. For example, smaller businesses with fewer than 21 employees have a $15 minimum wage. Those companies with 21 or more employees are required to pay $15.80.

Paid Leave for All Workers Act (820 ILCS 192/)

This is one of the Illinois laws that will likely have the most impact on Illinois employees. This law establishes a minimum paid leave standard for all workers in Illinois. According to the law, workers are entitled to up to 5 days (40 hours) of paid leave per 12-month period. Workers earn 1 hour of paid leave for every 40 hours worked. Additionally, they can use the accrued paid time off for any reason and do not have to provide a specific reason to their employer.

Child Extended Bereavement Leave Act (820 ILCS 156/)

This law states that employees who experience the loss of a child (including biological, adopted, foster, step child or legal ward) by suicide or homicide may take unpaid time off to deal with their loss.  Large employers must allow up to 12 weeks leave, while smaller employers must allow up to 6 weeks.

Employee Blood and Organ Donation Leave Act (820 ILCS 149/)

This act states that employers with more than 51 employees are required to provide eligible employees with one hour every 56 days to donate blood. Additionally, employers must provide employees with up to 10 days of paid leave in any 12-month period to serve as an organ donor.

Work With Our Team to Stay Compliant with Illinois Laws

There are a number of caveats to these laws and not every law applies to every employer. Not sure how these new Illinois laws apply to your organization? Contact Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. to schedule a consultation. Our attorneys are well-versed in employment law and our business clients rely on us to help them navigate new changes as they come up in order to safeguard their interests. Reach out to 847-223-1500 to learn more about our business services and to make an appointment.

Expert Advice on the Important First Step in Starting a New Business

In our continuing interview series, attorney Bob Churchill discusses important issues to consider when choosing a business structure as well as successfully starting a new business.

new business structure

A new year is here and that often brings about new beginnings and opportunities. For those who are planning on starting a new business, there are a lot of issues to consider in order to set your business up for success, right from the start. One of the most important factors to consider is deciding on the correct business structure for your new business.

In our continuing interview series, we have asked our attorneys to share important advice on topics they are passionate about, as well as share some information about their own personal life and career. Here, Bob Churchill discusses important issues to consider when choosing a business structure as well as successfully starting a new business.

What are the most common types of business structures?

There are three basic business structures. The first is sole proprietorship. This is a business with only one owner. The second is a partnership. This is a business with two or more partners. And the third is corporate, either as a stock corporation or a limited liability corporation (L.L.C.). There are different levels of structure, liability protection and taxation for each of the three.

Why is choosing the right business structure important?

The structure should match the type of business being transacted and the need for liability protection. Risk adverse businesses usually choose the corporate options.

What is the best way for a new business owner to decide which business structure is best for their company?

When setting up a new business it is best to discuss with an attorney the ownership of the business, the risks of the operation of the business and the need for tax treatment. This should be balanced with the set-up costs and the ongoing expenses required to keep the business in the proper structure.

What is your best piece of advice for someone who is just starting out with a new business?

Start out with a greater amount of money (capital) than you think necessary to open the business. The majority of new businesses do not survive five years. Not only does one have to be good at their business, but one has to be good at “ business.” Handling accounts receivable, obtaining correct insurance, dealing with employees, calculating taxes, leasing property, starting utilities, and promoting the business are all important aspects of “business” that have nothing to do with making your product or providing your service.

What is one of your favorite memories of a client that you represented?

Throughout my 50 years in the legal profession, I have had thousands of interesting clients, each with a story of their own. One of my favorite stories is of the lady who was three times widowed. The second and third husbands each had two children from previous marriages, but she never had children. Each husband left everything to her.

Every few months she changed her will. She always named only one of her stepchildren, but never the same as the last one named. Over time, each one had been her favorite, and the previous one had lost favor.

One day she called and said that she wanted to change her will again and quickly. So, the will was changed. A week later she died. Perhaps she had a premonition.  Since I had been named as executor, I attended the funeral. After the funeral, one of the stepchildren asked to see me in private. He wanted to know when we were going to “read” the will, because he knew that she had left everything to him. She had shown him a copy of the will with only his name on it. I told him we didn’t “read” wills anymore, but that I would send him a copy.

On the way out the door of the funeral home, another of the stepchildren asked when the reading of the will would be, as he knew that the decedent had left everything to him. She had shown him a copy of the will with only his name on it. I told him we didn’t “read” wills anymore, but that I would send him a copy.

When the third and fourth stepchild called me with the same story, I knew there would be a problem.

I sent a copy of the will to each of them. The phone lit up with angry calls from people who decried how they had run her errands, taken her to dinner, spent money on lavish gifts, invited her over to their houses for holidays and always responded to every request she had, because upon her death they expected to receive everything she had. But that was not to be, for, you see, in her Last Will and Testament, she left everything to charity.

Working with Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd

Clearly, we have many interesting clients, each with an interesting story of their own. And at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd, we provide each client with personalized service and attention in order to accomplish their individual goals. Whether that is for starting a new business, providing skilled litigation representation, assisting with real estate transactions, or customizing estate documents (as frequently as needed).  Contact us at 847-223-1500 to schedule a meeting.

Practical Steps to Take Following the Death of a Loved One

Mary Lee Berresheim is experienced in estate and probate law and has helped many clients navigate the difficult issues surrounding the death of a loved one. Here, she shares her practical advice on the best ways to proceed during this time.

death of a loved one

Losing someone special can be an incredibly difficult and challenging time. Emotions following a death can overwhelm your thought process and suddenly you don’t know what needs to be done or where to begin.

In this special series, we have asked some of our attorneys to answer some questions and share their insight on topics that mean a lot to them. Mary Lee Berresheim is experienced in estate and probate law and has helped many clients navigate the difficult issues surrounding the death of a loved one. Here, she shares her practical advice on the best ways to proceed during this time.

What is the first thing you should do upon learning of the death of a loved one?    

The first thing to do is to obtain a death certificate. The funeral home will take care of this for you and will ask you how many death certificates you will need. You should request at least 10. Then you will need to go through the Decedent’s paperwork. The first thing to look for is a Will and/or Trust or any Estate Planning documents that the individual might have executed prior to their death. If you find the original Will, it must be filed within thirty days of the person’s death. The Will should be filed in the County in which the individual resided at the time of their death.

What are the most important steps a person should take when a family member passes?  

Once the Will has been filed and the estate planning located, you should look through all of the Decedent’s paperwork to determine what assets they owned.  For example, you will need to identify what real estate the individual owned and how the title was held. Then you will collect bank statements to determine if the individual had bank accounts and if so, with what banks and did they hold title with anyone else.  Also, did the individual have a pension or a 401(k) and/or any sort of brokerage account. If so, you should contact that financial advisor or the company and advise them of the death of the individual. Most of these kinds of accounts will have named beneficiaries and the brokerage or company will send the appropriate forms to the beneficiaries to collect these assets.

What are some examples of when an attorney can help during the process following a loved one’s death

Following the death of a loved one, you should always contact an attorney to help you to determine if the estate will need to be probated or not. If the value of the individual’s entire estate is less than $100,000, you will not need to probate but will be able to transfer any assets by a small estate affidavit. If the estate is over $100,000 you will have to file a probate action with the Court. You must be represented by an attorney in this type of court proceeding.

What is the best advice you could offer someone to make the process of dealing with a loved one’s passing easier?  

Contact an attorney as soon as possible to give you advice as to how to handle the collection and disbursement of assets. If you try to take on some of these tasks by yourself and are not successful, don’t keep spinning your wheels. Schedule a consultation with an experienced probate attorney and get the guidance you need to handle things in the most advantageous and efficient way possible. Most attorneys will offer you a free consultation and even if you have to pay for an hour or so of time, it will be well worth it in the long run.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?  

The death of a loved one is a difficult and stressful time. Being able to explain the process to people and to assure them that they can get through this. Letting them know they aren’t alone in this process and that we will help them get through it and will be there to answer their questions seems to be an amazing comfort to most people. It makes my day when a spouse or child breathes that sigh of relief that at least in one way they can bring some sort of order to the chaos they are feeling.

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?  

I enjoy spending time with friends whether it is just playing cards or discovering a new restaurant. But I especially enjoy spending time with my three granddaughters.


While the death of a loved one is difficult and can be extremely stressful, we are here to help make this time more manageable. If you need assistance or would like to schedule a consultation, contact our Grayslake office at 847-223-1500.

Estate Plan Basics Everyone Should Understand: An Expert Explains

Amber Desselles specializes in helping her clients develop the right individual estate plan for their specific needs. Here is what she would like people to understand when it comes to preparing an effective estate plan.

estate plan basics

Estate planning is one of the most important ways to protect your loved ones and plan for their future. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the basic concepts involved in preparing an estate plan. In fact, many do not even realize that the benefits apply to everyone, regardless of age or financial status.

At Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton, & Van Donselaar, Ltd, we have asked some of our established attorneys to answer some questions in order to share some insight on topics that they are passionate about. Amber Desselles specializes in helping her clients develop the right individual estate plan for their specific needs. Here is what she would like people to understand when it comes to preparing an effective estate plan. 

What exactly is an estate plan and who should have one?

An estate plan is a set of legal documents that ensure your wishes are adhered to after death or incapacitation. Your estate plan sets out what you would like done with your assets after death, as well as who you would like to be in charge of that distribution. Your estate plan should also include instructions for who you would want to manage your health and financial affairs upon your incapacitation. This is done through powers of attorney. Having an estate plan in place is important for everyone because anything you do not legally document you are leaving up to the courts to decide. Only an experienced attorney should prepare your estate planning documents to ensure drafting and implementation is effective and no issues arise after it’s too late to rectify.

What is the best way to get started on an estate plan?

The best way to get started on an estate plan is to meet with an attorney who practices in estate planning so that we can determine which documents will need to be implemented to ensure all of your goals are met. Some things to think about before your meeting are:

  1. Who are my beneficiaries, and what do I want them to receive
  2. Are there any limitations or restrictions I want to include?
  3. Who would care for my minor children in the event of my death or incapacity?
  4. Who do I want to manage my affairs in the event I am unable to?
  5. Who do I want to be in charge of selling my assets and distributing my estate?
  6. What assets do I have and how are they titled?

What is the most important information you think people should know about estate planning?

Having an estate plan is important for everyone, regardless of your net worth or what assets you own. Parents should have powers of attorney drafted for their children upon their 18th birthday to ensure they retain rights if their child is injured or in an accident. Parents with minor children should have a legal Will that nominates who they want to act as guardian of their children if something happens to them before their children reach the age of majority. Again, anything you do not legally document you are allowing the courts to decide for you.

What do you enjoy most about helping people with their estate planning needs? 

The most rewarding thing for me is seeing the relief on clients’ faces once they have everything signed and in place. Knowing that their families and loved ones are protected brings a sense of comfort that is almost palpable.

What is one fun fact about yourself that you would like to share?

In my free time I like to create jewelry and art with my two daughters, Zoey and Myra.

We appreciate Amber and the great concern she has for her clients, as well as her ability to prepare the right estate plan to protect their interests and well-being. Contact our office at 847-223-1500 to schedule an appointment to meet with Amber and learn more about all of the benefits of a carefully-crafted estate plan.

8 Crucial Legal Considerations for Landlords in Illinois

Landlords must adhere to specific laws and regulations in order to remain legally compliant. Therefore, understanding these legal obligations is crucial in order to maintain a successful landlord-tenant relationship and avoid potential legal disputes.

Legal considerations for landlords

Being a landlord can be lucrative and rewarding. But it also comes with many legal responsibilities and considerations that can be complex to navigate. In the state of Illinois, landlords must adhere to specific laws and regulations in order to keep their tenant arrangement legally compliant. Therefore, understanding these legal obligations is crucial in order to maintain a successful landlord-tenant relationship and avoid potential legal disputes.

Illinois Landlord and Tenant Act

The Illinois Landlord and Tenant Act outlines the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants. Landlords must comply with this act to ensure they are not in violation of the law. Becoming familiar with the provisions of this act is essential for conducting business in a legal and ethical manner.

Lease Agreements and Disclosures

Landlords in Illinois must provide tenants with a written lease agreement that includes essential details such as the duration of the lease, rent amount, and any rules or regulations specific to the property. Additionally, they are required to disclose specific information, such as the presence of lead-based paint, to tenants as per federal law. Changes to a lease should always be agreed upon in writing, in order to avoid uncertainty and to protect your rights in the event of a disagreement.

Security Deposits

Illinois law regulates the handling of security deposits. Landlords are required to provide tenants with a written statement detailing the terms and conditions related to the security deposit. Furthermore, they must return the security deposit within a specified timeframe after the termination of the lease, minus any lawful deductions for damages or unpaid rent.

Maintenance and Repairs

Landlords have a legal obligation to ensure that the rental property is maintained in a habitable condition. This includes providing essential services such as heat, water, and sanitation. Promptly addressing maintenance requests and ensuring the property meets local building codes are critical to upholding this legal requirement.

Eviction Procedures

In the unfortunate event that eviction becomes necessary, landlords must follow the specific legal procedures outlined by Illinois Eviction Law. This includes providing tenants with proper notice and adhering to the required eviction process. Failure to follow these procedures can lead to legal consequences and delays in the eviction process.

Discrimination Laws

When it comes to tenant selection, landlords must adhere to the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination based on factors such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability. Understanding and complying with these laws is crucial to avoid legal repercussions and maintain a fair and inclusive rental process.

Insurance and Liability

Obtaining the appropriate insurance coverage, such as landlord insurance and liability insurance, is essential for protecting both the property and the landlord’s assets. Adequate insurance coverage can help mitigate financial risks associated with property damage, liability claims, or unexpected events such as natural disasters.

Local Regulations and Ordinances

In addition to any state or federal laws, landlords should also be aware of any specific local regulations or ordinances that may apply to their rental property. These can include zoning regulations, property maintenance codes, and rental licensing requirements. Staying informed about these local laws is essential for ensuring compliance with all relevant legal obligations.

Illinois Landlords Should Always Work With a Trusted Attorney

As demonstrated above, there are many laws in place to protect both landlords and tenants. Understanding and following these laws is essential to be successful as a landlord. The team at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. can help to protect your investment and ensure a successful experience as a landlord. Our experienced attorneys work with landlords to help enforce the terms of their lease agreements and can represent them all the way through litigation if necessary. Contact us at 847-223-1500 for additional information or to schedule a consultation.

4 Unfortunate Consequences of Failing to Prepare a Will Before Passing

must prepare a will

The failure to prepare a will before passing can have significant and far-reaching consequences, both legally and emotionally.  When a loved one passes, it can certainly create emotional challenges. But the absence of a well-prepared will can complicate matters further, leading to potentially distressing consequences for family and beneficiaries. Thinking about mortality and estate planning can be uncomfortable. However, not preparing this important document can affect both the distribution of your assets as well as the emotional well-being of those left behind.

Legal Complications and Delays

Without a clear directive from the deceased, the legal process of distributing assets becomes complex and time-consuming. The absence of a will often leads to disputes among family members, requiring the intervention of the court to settle the distribution of the estate. This can result in significant delays and legal expenses, consuming both time and resources that could have been used more effectively by the beneficiaries.

Unintended Beneficiaries

Without a will, the estate may be distributed according to the decision of a court. This distribution may not align with the wishes of the deceased, potentially leaving loved ones or intended beneficiaries without their rightful share. Additionally, distant relatives or individuals with no emotional ties to the deceased may be entitled to a portion of the estate, contrary to the deceased’s intentions.

Emotional Strain and Family Fights

The absence of a clear and comprehensive will can lead to conflicts and tensions among family members, exacerbating the already challenging period of mourning. Disagreements over asset distribution can strain relationships and create rifts that may take years to repair. The emotional toll of navigating these disputes often overshadows the grieving process, leading to prolonged distress and discord within the family.

Unplanned Guardianship for the Kids

A will designates who will assume guardianship of minor children in the event that neither parent is still living. Without a will, the court will make the determination. One of a parent’s greatest responsibilities is naming a trusted guardian to care for their child(ren) in their absence to ensure their well-being. A court will typically choose a guardian based on the next closest kin, but that choice may not be at all what is best for the kids.

Consult Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd for a Will and Other Estate Planning Needs

Whatever the size of your estate, you should have the final say in how it is distributed. Our professional team has decades of practical experience helping our clients prepare for the future and the security of their loved ones through individualized estate plans, will preparation, trust formation and more. Contact us at 847-223-1500 to begin the process of drafting the most advantageous plan for you and your family.


Small Business Owners Need Expert Guidance for these 5 Common Legal Issues

Small business legal issues

Starting and running a small business can be exciting and rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of challenges and risks. One crucial responsibility that often requires professional guidance is knowing how to properly navigate legal issues. The legal issues a small business owner faces can be complex, and it is important to address them effectively in order to protect the company. The following 5 issues can have significant legal implications for a small business without the guidance of a qualified attorney.

Business Formation and Structure

One of the first decisions faced when starting a small business is choosing the right legal structure. This decision will impact liability, taxation, and operational flexibility. Common options include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations. An attorney can help explain the legal implications of each structure and recommend the one that aligns best with the business goals and circumstances.

Small Business Contracts and Agreements

Contracts are indispensable to a business. From client agreements to vendor contracts, employment agreements to lease agreements, having well-drafted and legally sound contracts is crucial to protecting your business interests. An attorney can assist in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts to ensure your rights are protected and that the terms are favorable to your business.

Intellectual Property Protection

Intellectual property includes trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, all of which can be vital assets for a small business. Protecting this information is essential to prevent unauthorized use or infringement by others. An attorney can guide you through the process of registering trademarks or copyrights, enforcing your intellectual property rights, and handling any legal disputes that may arise.

Employment Law and HR Compliance

As a small business grows and hires employees, a business owner needs to navigate a complex web of employment laws and regulations. Compliance with employment laws is crucial to avoid costly legal battles. An attorney can help you establish HR policies, ensure compliance with federal and state employment laws, and guide you through issues such as employee contracts, wage and hour matters, discrimination claims, and wrongful termination cases.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Small businesses often need to comply with various local, state, and federal regulations, depending on their industry. These regulations can be overwhelming and may change over time. An experienced attorney can help you understand and navigate these regulatory hurdles, ensuring that your business remains in compliance and avoids potential legal issues or penalties.

Protect your Small Business with Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd

Running a small business involves facing a multitude of legal challenges that can be both risky and, at times, overwhelming. Working with the team at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. brings an expertise in business law that can make all the difference in protecting your interests, mitigating risks, and ensuring the long-term success of your enterprise. In fact, having one of our legal experts in your corner can save you time, money, and stress, allowing you to focus on growing your business and meeting your overall goals. Contact us at 847-223-1500 to meet with one of our experienced attorneys in order to safeguard your business.

Avoid These 4 Common Fraud Claims During a Real Estate Transaction

Real estate transactions do not always go smoothly, and when fraud is involved, it is essential to have the right attorney representing you. Here are some examples of common types of fraud claims that can arise during a transaction.

Fraud in real estate

Real estate transactions are complex undertakings involving a range of legal issues, contracts, and negotiations. Buyers, sellers and agents all hope for a smooth process, but there are times when fraud or breaches of contract can cause problems during the proceedings. In such situations, it is essential to work with the right attorney. Here are some examples of common types of fraud claims that can arise during a transaction.

Misrepresentation of Property

Misrepresentation is misstating the facts about a property during a real estate transaction. For example,  the property listing might claim that the property has a new roof or electrical system, or might exaggerate the square footage of the property. If the seller has provided false information about a property, the buyer may be able to file a fraud claim.

Failure to Disclose Defects

The Illinois Real Property Act requires sellers to disclose any known defects in a property that could affect its value or safety to potential buyers. This could include issues like past flooding, code violations or boundary disputes. Failure to do so can result in serious legal consequences. If a buyer discovers undisclosed defects after closing, such as a hidden termite infestation or structural issues, the seller can be held accountable for their omission.

Contract Fraud

Real estate transactions are primarily governed by contracts, and any breach of contract can lead to disputes. In some cases, a contract breach can also include allegations of fraud. Contract fraud occurs when one party to a contract uses information that is false, misleading, or deceitful in order to persuade the other party to sign, or that results in them signing without fully understanding the obligations or risks. For example, one person might mislead another by telling them they need to sign their property over in order to avoid foreclosure. Fraud claims of this type often result in the contract being voided.

Financing Fraud

Mortgage fraud can occur when a buyer or lender deliberately misrepresents information on a mortgage application. For example, a buyer might exaggerate their income or assets, while a lender may try to hide unfavorable loan terms. In some cases, a corrupt appraiser may intentionally undervalue a property in order to assist an investor to purchase at a low price, or overvalue a property in order to increase the selling price and related commissions. These fraudulent actions can lead to severe legal consequences for all parties involved.

How our Attorneys Assist in Resolving Fraud Claims

There are a number of advantages to working with one of the experienced attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. if you discover a fraudulent action during a real estate transaction.

  • Legal Expertise – Our attorneys have a deep understanding of the complex laws and regulations governing property transactions. They can interpret contracts, assess the legality of claims, and provide expert guidance.
  • Negotiation Skills – Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who can work on your behalf to reach favorable resolutions, whether through settlement or litigation.
  • Protection of your Interests – Throughout the entire process, our main objective is to protect your interests and ensure you’re not taken advantage of during a real estate transaction.

Real estate transactions do not always go smoothly, and when fraud is involved, it is essential to have the right attorney representing you. In Illinois, fraud cases must be proved with a higher degree of certainty than is required in other civil lawsuits. Therefore, experience matters if you want to see a successful outcome. Contact our office at 847-223-1500 to learn more or to schedule a consultation.

Real Estate Development: 6 Legal Considerations for Developers in Illinois

The path to success in real estate development requires careful navigation of many legal complexities. Explore these essential legal considerations that Illinois developers should be aware of, to ensure a smooth and legally compliant development process.

Real estate development

Real estate development is an exciting and potentially lucrative venture, especially in a state like Illinois. From residential subdivisions to commercial complexes, developers play a critical role in shaping the urban landscape. However, the path to success in real estate development is riddled with legal complexities that require careful navigation. Therefore, we need to explore some essential legal considerations that Illinois developers should be aware of, to ensure a smooth and legally compliant development process.

Choosing the Right Business Entity

One of the first decisions a developer needs to make is selecting the appropriate business entity. For example, should you establish a limited liability company (LLC), a corporation, or a partnership? Each entity type has unique legal implications, affecting taxation, liability, and management.

Land Use and Zoning Regulations

Understanding the local zoning regulations is crucial for any real estate development project. Different municipalities in Illinois have varying zoning ordinances, which dictate what type of structures can be built and where. Complying with these regulations is essential to avoid delays, fines, or even project shutdowns.

Environmental Concerns and Due Diligence

Real estate developers must conduct thorough due diligence to assess potential environmental hazards on their development sites. Illinois has specific regulations regarding environmental assessments and remediation of contaminated properties. Failure to comply with these laws could lead to costly legal consequences.

Contract Negotiations

Developers engage in numerous contracts throughout a project’s lifecycle, including agreements with contractors, architects, suppliers, and lenders. Skilled negotiation and careful drafting are vital to protect your interests and ensure that all parties fulfill their obligations.

Financing and Tax Implications

Securing financing for real estate development projects can be complex. Developers need to be aware of various financing options, such as loans, grants, and tax incentives. Moreover, understanding the tax implications of different financing structures is essential to optimize returns and avoid unnecessary tax burdens.

Construction Law Compliance

Navigating construction law is crucial for developers overseeing the building process. Compliance with building codes, safety standards, and labor laws is paramount to avoid legal issues and ensure the project’s success.

Working with Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd for your Real Estate Development Project

It is clear that choosing the right attorney for your real estate development project is crucial for its overall success. When you work with our team you can expect us to:

  • Help you weigh the pros and cons and choose the entity that best aligns with your development goals
  • Guide you through the zoning process and secure the necessary permits
  • Help you identify and mitigate potential environmental risks.
  • Review and negotiate contracts on your behalf, safeguarding your rights and minimizing disputes
  • Provide invaluable guidance on financing and tax matters, helping you make informed decisions
  • Help you adhere to construction regulations and address any potential disputes that may arise during the construction phase

Contact us today at 847-223-1500 to schedule an appointment with our experienced real estate team for help navigating these complex legal issues and to safeguard your investment throughout the development process.

Cheers! The Grayslake Craft Beer Festival is Back for 2023

The annual Grayslake Craft Beer Festival is returning for 2023 and we are proud sponsors! Get the event details here.

Grayslake Craft Beer Festival 2023

Craft beer lovers rejoice! It’s that wonderful time of year when the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce, along with the Exchange Club of Grayslake, host the annual Grayslake Craft Beer Festival. And Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is excited to be a major sponsor of this year’s event. Whether you are a craft beer expert or newbie, there will be selections to satisfy every palate!

Craft Beer Festival Details

Date:  Saturday, September 16, 2023

Time: 1:00PM – 5:00PM (VIP admission is available beginning at 12:00PM)

Location: Grayslake festival grounds, 33 S. Whitney Street in Downtown Grayslake

**This is a strictly 21+ event. Nobody under the age of 21, including young children or babies, will be admitted. Pets are also prohibited from the festival grounds.

Ticket Information

Ticket pricing until September 15, 2023:

VIP – $80 Includes admission to the venue from 12:00PM – 5:00PM, samples of craft beer, access to the VIP lounge area with free appetizers and a separate restroom, plus a commemorative beverage glass and festival program

General Admission – $45 includes admission to the venue from 1:00Pm – 5:00PM, samples of craft beer plus a commemorative beverage glass and festival program

Pricing on September 16, 2023 (day of event)

VIP – $100

General Admission – $60

Purchase your tickets here: https://events.beerfests.com/e/grayslakebeerfest/tickets

Great Beer for a Great Cause

Not only will you find an incredible variety of craft beer selections from many amazing local breweries, but you will be contributing to a good cause as well. That’s because the net proceeds from this event, as is the case every year, will go to support scholarships for Grayslake students. In fact, in 2023, $40,000 was awarded to the community from the Craft Beer Festival. As if you needed another reason to come out and enjoy the day!

With all the excitement brewing, you definitely don’t want to miss out on this fun event. Secure your tickets early and get ready to raise your glass, savor exceptional tastes and make lasting memories. We’ll see you at the 2023 Grayslake Craft Beer Festival – an event that’s so much more than beer! For additional event information, go to https://www.grayslakebeerfest.com/


Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

Epic Movie Fun Under the Stars in Grayslake

We are happy to sponsor a fun-filled outdoor movie event featuring the beloved film, “A League of Their Own”. Get the details here!

Outdoor movie event 2023

Get ready for an unforgettable movie experience under the twinkling night sky! Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is proud to sponsor the August 29 outdoor showing of the heartwarming and hilarious “A League of Their Own”, presented by the Grayslake Heritage Center. So grab your comfiest chair, mark your calendar, and head over to Centennial Plaza, nestled at the corner of Center and Whitney, for a movie night that promises laughter, nostalgia, and a sense of community like no other.

Movie Details:

A League of Their Own

August 29, 2023


Centennial Plaza, Center & Whitney Streets in Downtown Grayslake

Outdoor Movie Nights are the Best!

There’s something magical about watching a movie outdoors, surrounded by nature and the shared excitement of fellow moviegoers. This upcoming event is set to transport you back in time to the year 1992 when “A League of Their Own” was released in theaters. This sports comedy-drama film, rated PG, is a beloved classic that has stood the test of time, captivating audiences with its heartwarming story and brilliant performances.

There’s No Crying in Baseball – or About Ticket Prices

For those who are familiar with “A League of Their Own,” you’ll instantly recognize the iconic line, “There’s no crying in baseball!” This sentiment holds true for this movie night event as well. There’s no need for tears, because admission is completely free! That’s right; you can relish the experience of watching a fantastic film under the stars without worrying about ticket costs.

The Perfect Opportunity to Make Fun Summer Memories

As the movie’s memorable scenes play out on screen and the laughter of fellow moviegoers fills the air, you’ll realize that this event is not just about watching a movie—it’s about creating memories. It’s about sharing a communal experience with friends, family, and neighbors, while enjoying the charm of an outdoor setting.

Whether you’re a fan of the film or simply excited about the idea of watching movies outdoors, this event promises an experience that you’ll treasure for years to come. Get ready to laugh, cheer, and create lasting memories under the starry skies!



Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

Grayslake Summer Days 2023: A Celebration of Community

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is once again a proud sponsor of Grayslake Summer Days. Find important event details here!

Grayslake Summer Days 2023

Mark your calendars and get ready for an exciting summer experience right in the heart of Grayslake, Illinois! Grayslake Summer Days, an eagerly anticipated annual event, is back on August 18 and 19, 2023 – and Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is once again a proud sponsor. This popular event promises to bring together friends, families, and neighbors for a day filled with fun, excitement, and a sense of community that’s second to none.

Grayslake Summer Days Event Details:

Friday, August 18              5:00PM – Midnight

Saturday, August 19        12:00PM – Midnight


Admission to the Fest is FREE

Located in Downtown Grayslake

Fun for the Whole Family

Grayslake Summer Days is fun for all ages! There will be a variety of activities throughout the day, including live music, a parade, food, games, rides, a pie eating contest, bingo, bags tournament and more. Here is a sampling of the event schedule (but may not represent the finalized information):

Friday, August 18

Festival opens at 5:00PM

Events for the day include:

  • Food and beer vendors
  • Carnival rides and games
  • Bingo
  • Live Music:

Simply Billy at 6PM

Back Country Roads at 8PM

Too Hype Crew at 10PM


Saturday, August 19

Festival opens at 12:00noon

Events for the day include:

  • Food and beer vendors
  • Carnival rides and games
  • Bingo
  • Pie eating contest
  • Grayslake Summer Days Parade begins at 5PM

Parade Route: Grayslake Central High School to Lake Street south to Center Street east to festival site (Seymour Avenue)

  • Live Music:

Battle of the Bands 2nd place winner at 3PM

Battle of the Bands 1st place winner at 6PM

Boy Band Review at 8PM

Hillbilly Rockstars at 10PM


More activities may be added as the event gets closer, so check the Grayslake Chamber website for additional information at http://www.grayslakechamber.com/.


Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

The 2023 Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing is Great Fun for All Skill Levels!

Prepare for a day filled with laughter, friendly competition, and great memories at the 2023 Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing. Get the details here!

Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing 2023

Are you ready to swing into action for a fantastic day of golf, community spirit, and unforgettable moments? Look no further than the upcoming Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing at Stonewall Orchard Golf Club in Grayslake, IL, on Thursday, August 3, 2023!

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. is proudly sponsoring this exciting event that welcomes golfers of all skill levels to participate in a 4-Player best ball scramble, followed by a delightful dinner mixer featuring a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just looking to have a great time with friends and neighbors, this community event has something for everyone.

Golf Outing Details

Date: Thursday, August 3, 2023

Time: 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Location: Stonewall Orchard Golf Club, 25675 W. Highway 60 Grayslake IL 600030


Noon – Registration Driving Range

1PM – Shot Gun Start (Best Ball Scramble)

5 – 6PM – All Member Mixer

6PM – Dinner, Announcements, Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle


Gather your golfing buddies or come solo and join in the friendly competition of a 4-Player best ball scramble. This format ensures that everyone can contribute to the team’s success, regardless of skill level. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet new people, network with fellow enthusiasts, and build lasting friendships within our community.

Participation/Fee Options

Everyone has different preferences, so there are flexible registration options to suit your needs:

  1. Individual Golfer: For $150, you can secure your spot and enjoy a day filled with golfing thrills and camaraderie.
  2. Foursome: Register with a group of friends for an unforgettable golfing experience. The fee for a foursome is $600.
  3. Dinner Mixer Only: If golfing isn’t your cup of tea, but you still want to be part of the fun, you can participate in the dinner mixer only for $50.

Register Now

Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of the community’s most anticipated golf outing of the year. Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 3, 2023, and prepare for a day filled with laughter, friendly competition, and great memories. Whether you’re a golf aficionado or just looking to have a great time with friends and neighbors, this event promises to be a fun time for all.

Find more information and a link to REGISTER at http://grayslakechamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/grayslake-chamber-golf-outing-1425

See you on the greens!

2023 Grayslake 5K Fun Run & Walk: Fun for the Whole Family!

Grayslake 5K fun run

It’s that time of year again to take part in the annual Grayslake 5K Fun Run & Walk. Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is again proud to sponsor this great event which is taking place on July 15, 2023. It is appropriate for all ages and abilities and is the perfect activity to get outside, get some exercise and have some fun – so we hope that you can join us!

5K Fun Run Event Details

Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023

Time: 8:00 AM (7:30AM for the kids)

Place: Center Street & Seymour Ave in Downtown Grayslake

Registration fee: varies by event but all must be submitted by July 14, 2023


Registration for the 5K event must be completed ahead of time for the best rates so be sure to submit your details early so you don’t miss out on the fun. There are three different events you can participate in, based on your age and length of the course you desire:


Race and Fee Schedule

  • 5K Kids Run – the kids’ race starts at 7:30AM. The registration fee for this event is $10.
  • 5K Race & Walk – this main event begins at 8:00AM and has a registration fee of $35 until July 14, and $40 on the day of the race.
  • 1K Walk – this event is for the truly casual participant and is not timed. It begins right after the 5K race begins, at 8:05AM. The fee to participate is also $35 through July 14, and $40 on the day of the race.


Runners, walkers, joggers, rollers, strollers and more will be able to enjoy this much-anticipated annual community event.  Whether you are 5 or 85, if you are looking to beat a personal speed record or you are just in the mood for a casual stroll through beautiful Grayslake, there is an event for you!

For additional information, visit the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce at http://www.grayslakechamber.com/events/grayslake-5k/. Or, you can click here: https://raceroster.com/events/2023/72566/grayslake-5k-fun-run for a direct link to register!

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

Zoning Dispute: Helpful Information to Protect Your Property

If you are facing a zoning dispute, it is important to understand your rights and options. Our experienced real estate attorneys can help you navigate the zoning process and protect your interests.

zoning dispute

Zoning laws are designed to protect the character of a community and ensure that land is used in a way that is compatible with its surroundings. However, zoning laws can also be a source of conflict, as property owners may disagree about how a particular piece of land should be used.

If you are facing a zoning dispute, it is important to understand your rights and options. An experienced real estate attorney can help you navigate the zoning process and protect your interests.

What is a Zoning Dispute?

A zoning dispute is a disagreement between a property owner and a local government about the use of land. Zoning disputes can arise for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • A property owner wants to use their land for a purpose that is not allowed in the zoning district.
  • A property owner is violating zoning regulations.
  • A property owner is objecting to a proposed development that would impact their property.

What are the Common Types of Zoning Disputes?

There are many different types of zoning disputes, but some of the most common include:

  • Variance requests. A variance is a special exception to zoning regulations that allows a property owner to use their land for a purpose that is not normally allowed in the zoning district. For example, a property owner may request a variance to build a larger home than is allowed in their zoning district.
  • Nonconforming uses. A nonconforming use is a use of land that was legal when it was established, but is no longer allowed under current zoning regulations. For example, a property owner may have a commercial business in a residential zoning district.
  • Setback and buffer disputes. Zoning ordinances will determine how much distance there must be between buildings and the property lines, including things such as sheds, garages, or other outbuildings.
  • Enforcement actions. Local governments may take enforcement action against property owners who are violating zoning regulations. This could include fines, stop-work orders, or even demolition.
  • Development proposals. Property owners who want to develop their land may need to obtain a zoning permit. If a neighboring property owner objects to the development, this could lead to a zoning dispute.

How Can an Attorney Help with a Zoning Dispute?

If you are facing a zoning dispute, one of the experienced ordinance and zoning dispute attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. can help you in a number of ways. Your attorney can:

  • Advise you of your rights and options. Zoning laws can be complex, and it is important to understand your rights and options before taking any action. We can help you understand the zoning laws in your area and advise you of the best course of action.
  • Negotiate with the local government. In many cases, zoning disputes can be resolved through negotiation. Our attorneys can help you negotiate with the local government to reach a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Represent you at a hearing. If the zoning dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, it may need to be resolved at a hearing. When this is the case, it is important to have a qualified and competent attorney to represent you at the hearing and advocate for your interests.
  • File a lawsuit. In some cases, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit to resolve a zoning dispute. Our attorneys can file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court.

How to Avoid a Zoning Dispute

The best way to avoid a zoning dispute is to do your research before you buy or develop property. Make sure you understand the zoning laws in your area and that your proposed use of the property is allowed. If you have any questions, we are here to provide the assistance you need.

The zoning process is complex and can be difficult to navigate without an experienced attorney. The attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd. are proficient in zoning laws and can provide the expert representation you need if you are faced with a zoning dispute. Contact us at 847-223-1500 to learn more.

2023 Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd are once again proudly sponsoring the Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting. Find details about the 2023 event here!

Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting

One of Grayslake’s most anticipated events is returning for 2023 on June 10th! The Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting is extremely popular and well-attended, and Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is proud to once again sponsor this great community event.

As in prior years, this year’s event is hosted by the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce and will feature a juried art festival that will showcase the unique talents of fine artists who work in a variety of media. A juried exhibition means that the artists must go through a selection process and earn a place in the event. That’s great news for visitors, as you get to see the very best of the local art scene.

For those looking to find a great new wine, the festival also offers wine tasting for the 21+ crowd. This is the perfect opportunity to sip delicious samples of a variety of wines from local wineries, and even get a special engraved glass to take home!

Festival Details

Saturday, June 10, 2023

10am – 4pm

Downtown Grayslake


Art festival – 10am-4pm

FREE to attend

Wine tasting 12-3pm

Tasting Fees:

-$20 for 5 tasting tickets and engraved glass

At Festival
-$25 for 5 tasting tickets and engraved glass
-$5 for two tasting tickets
-$6 for glass of wine

Find additional information about the 2023 Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting at http://grayslakechamber.com/events/lgrayslake-chamber-arts-fest-and-wine-tasting/


Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

© Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar 2024 2 S. Whitney Street, Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone: (847) 223-1500   FAX: (847) 223-1700