4 Essential Elements to Include in your Employee Handbook

It is a good policy to provide an official employee handbook to each employee to set expectations right from the start. Here are some items that should definitely be included.

employee handbook

There are laws in place that require employers to notify employees of certain workplace rights, through means such as posters or direct handouts.  Illinois laws do not require companies to provide an official employee handbook to each employee.  However, it is definitely a good policy to do so.  This way, every employee knows exactly what to expect right from the start. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to review company procedures, new hire documents and especially the employee handbook.  Here are some essential topics to cover in yours.

Company Policies

Every company has their own set of policies in place that they expect employees to follow.  Therefore, it is important to make them aware of these policies from day one.  Your employee handbook should clearly state information regarding company policies such as:

  • Allowable paid time off, such as sick days, vacation days or family and medical leave time, if applicable
  • Benefits and eligibility
  • Payroll information, such as disbursement of paychecks, overtime policies, etc.
  • Business operating hours

Company Culture

An employee handbook should contain some information about the company itself, the workplace environment, and its legal acknowledgement of important policies pertaining to employee safety and well-being. This could include topics such as:

  • Company history
  • Company mission statement
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion statement
  • Antidiscrimination / equal employment policy
  • Harassment policies
  • Complaint procedures

Employee Expectations

An employee’s successful performance on the job depends on their understanding of what is expected of them.  The employee handbook should detail these expectations including topics such as:

  • Code of conduct which explains how they are expected to conduct themselves while on company premises
  • Attendance expectations
  • Dress code policies
  • Smoking policies on company premises
  • Acceptable use of company computers
  • Texting or social media use while at work
  • Employee conflict resolution

General Disclaimers

Every employee handbook should include some general legal disclaimers that state:

  • The handbook is not a contract or guarantee of continued employment
  • Policies can change at any time
  • The handbook allows room for employer interpretation, as not every situation can be addressed

In addition to a thorough employee handbook, you should also consider which other important documents you want to include in your new hire packet.  For instance, non-disclosure agreements are used to protect sensitive company information, and non-compete agreements are useful to discourage your employees from bringing their work experience to competing companies.

The attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd. have decades of experience in business law and we provide legal guidance to our business clients in all aspect of their operations, including crucial employee documents.  We can help your business avoid litigation by creating a comprehensive employee handbook, along with other important policies and procedures.  Contact us to learn more at 847-223-1500 or https://grayslakelaw.com/practice-areas/business-law/.

5 Expert Tips for Launching a Business in the New Year

launching a businessThe beginning of a new year is the perfect time to get started on making your dreams and goals a reality.  If launching a business is on the list, don’t put it off any longer!  To get you started, here are some important issues to pay attention to when getting that business up and running.

Spend Enough Time Planning

You can never be too prepared when launching a business.  Therefore, take the time during the important planning phase to develop a strong business plan that includes a detailed financial plan for the business and an effective marketing strategy.  Additionally, you should research who your ideal customer is. This way, you can examine the market in order ensure that your product or service is priced appropriately.  You will likely need this information in order to obtain a small business loan, and it will give you a solid foundation on which to grow the company.

Choose the Correct Business Structure

The business structure you choose affects the paperwork you need to file, how much you pay in taxes, as well as your personal liability.  So it’s important to choose carefully.  Some of the more common business structures include:

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Corporation
  • Cooperative

Selecting the correct entity structure is crucial to the success of your organization.  Our attorneys have in-depth experience in business formation and can help you determine the best option for your small business.

Decide on a Great Business Name

Choosing a name for your new business can be one of the most exciting, personal decisions in the process and it should be done with care for a number of reasons.  Selecting a name that best represents who you are as a company and what you offer can help the business become more successful.  Legally, it is very important to register your name in order to protect it.  This should be done at the state and federal level, as well as online with a website domain name.

Invest in Marketing

You may have the best business idea ever, but how will you let people know about it?  Even the biggest, most successful companies don’t rely solely on word-of-mouth to sell their products and services.  In the excitement of launching a business, remember to think long-term when it comes to promoting yourself.  With competition from brick and mortar businesses, as well as seemingly unlimited online outlets, letting potential customers know about your business and setting yourself apart from the rest is important to survive.

Hire an Experienced Small Business Attorney

Launching a business can be an overwhelming process, especially when it comes to the legal aspect of it all.  From beginning to end, there will be legal issues to contend with, documents to prepare and submit, licenses to apply for, and employment matters to understand.  Making a mistake at any time can wind up costing your business unnecessary fees or fines, or much more if a lawsuit is filed against the company.  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd can be a valuable resource for any legal challenges your business may face.

Not only can we help you get your new business successfully up and running, but our experienced team can be your legal partner for the duration of your business operations.  Legal issues are a continual concern for a business owner, and our decades of experience will ensure that your business stays protected.  Contact our Grayslake office at 847-223-1500 to learn more.

3 Smart Estate Planning Conversations for Upcoming Family Gatherings

family gathering estate planning

When the holiday season rolls around, we think of family.  We look forward to annual gatherings, dinners and catching up with those who we might only see a few times a year.  Most people don’t immediately consider this a great time to discuss estate planning matters. However, since the family is all together, it could be the perfect time of year to have these important conversations.

Executor Instructions

One of the most important estate planning documents you can prepare is a will.  A will details your final wishes regarding child custody, asset distribution and more.  Naming an executor to take charge of distributing your estate is an important part of the process.  Many people choose a trusted family member to take on the role, so a family gathering is a great opportunity to convey any instructions and ensure that they understand your wishes.

Power of Attorney Assignment

A power of attorney is a document that appoints a person to handle your medical and financial matters should you become incapable of doing so.  It is wise to have a POA in place, no matter your age, as unexpected illness or injury can happen at any time.  When family is together, you can convey your own wishes and select a trusted family member to represent you if you become incapacitated.   Additionally, you can talk with aging parents and help them understand the importance of preparing a POA while they are still in good health.

Succession Planning for a Family Business

There can be many challenges involved when it comes time to pass on a family business to relatives.  Succession planning is a strategic way to identify who will take over the major roles in the company.  Developing a solid plan will help to ensure a smooth transfer of ownership and minimize disruptions to business operations when the time comes.  During the holiday season when family gathers to celebrate, it is wise to take advantage of that opportunity to discuss important details of the business and develop a strong succession plan.

Trust Us for Your Estate Planning Needs

We understand that some of these topics don’t always make for comfortable conversations.  But they are all important, and sometimes the holidays are the only time everyone is available to have a face-to-face discussion.

When you choose CQRH to be a part of your estate planning process, you can be assured that you’re working with respected professionals who have your best interest in mind.  Our attorneys have decades of experience in estate planning matters such as will preparation, probate and trust administration, powers of attorney, succession planning, gifting strategies and much more.  Contact us with all of your questions and concerns at 847-223-1500.

4 Essential Legal Documents When Your Child Turns 18

legal documents at 18Turning 18 is a momentous occasion for any child, as they are now considered to be a legal adult.  Almost certainly, their first response is probably not going to be to rush out and have legal documents prepared. However, there are very good reasons to do exactly that – as soon as possible.

While they may enjoy the initial feeling of freedom (to vote, enter into a contract and make legal decisions on their own), that freedom comes with a great responsibility that they may not be fully prepared for.  As such, they may still want some support from you, as their parent, when it comes to serious decisions regarding their well-being.  Especially when they go off to college, they need assurance that you can help, even from across the country.  The following legal documents will provide peace of mind for both you and your child.

Medical Power of Attorney

If your adult child ends up in the hospital, a medical power of attorney can give you the authority to make medical decisions for them if they are unable to do so.  Without one, all medical decisions would be made solely by the doctors.

General Durable Power of Attorney

This document gives you the authority to make financial decisions on your adult child’s behalf.  This can allow you to help manage bank accounts or pay bills, or make larger decisions if they are unable to due to illness or disability.  Additionally, it can give you access to your child’s grades and transcripts.  Many parents do not realize that this information is not automatically available to them just because they are paying the tuition bill!


The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information and prevents disclosure of certain healthcare information without patient consent.  The HIPAA form is a very specific document which permits healthcare providers to release medical information to persons named in the form.  It can be customized to specify exactly what information to disclose, and what not to, in case there are certain issues they wish to keep private.

Living Will

In addition to the above legal documents, a living will is also important for your adult child to have.  The living will document specifies which healthcare procedures they do or do not want if they were to become terminally ill or in a vegetative state.  If you are given the authority to make medical decisions for your child, it is very important to know their wishes about life-extending medical treatments or organ donation.

We Prepare Legal Document and So Much More

As your child becomes an adult, heads off to college and begins their new independent life, make sure they still have the support of loved ones in case of emergency.  The attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd have decades of experience in estate planning and other areas of law, and can help you understand exactly which legal documents will benefit your child as they move through life’s important stages.  We can advise on powers of attorney and living wills, setting up a business, purchasing a new home, litigation strategies and so much more.  It’s never too early to make sure your child has the legal protection they need.  Contact us at 847-223-1500 to get started.

Relief for Landlords: Eviction Moratorium Lifted in IL

landlords eviction

Many landlords have been waiting a long time to receive word that they are allowed to proceed with evictions.  The residential eviction moratorium that was put in place to protect renters who were not able to pay their rent due to pandemic-related hardships had a profound effect on many landlords.  While easing the burden on their tenants, many of whom no longer felt the obligation to pay their rent, the moratorium caused many independent landlords to fall behind on their own mortgage payments – with no protection in place for them. Now that the moratorium has been lifted, as of October 4, 2021 landlords once again have the option to take legal action against those tenants who don’t pay.

Legal Process to Evict

Now that evictions are no longer legally blocked, it is important to remember that there is a specific legal process that needs to be followed to legally evict a tenant.   The proper notices must be given to the tenant and the correct documents must be filed with the court in order to secure an eviction order.  However, even if a landlord takes the necessary legal steps to evict a tenant, that tenant might not leave. A renter can contest an eviction based on a variety of reasons, including errors in the landlord’s notification process, lease violations, building conditions and more.  For this reason, it is recommended to begin the process by consulting an experienced attorney that specializes in landlord-tenant disputes.

Landlords Need an Experienced Attorney

Competent legal assistance is extremely important when it comes to evicting a residential tenant.  While it may be tempting to simply change the locks and force a delinquent tenant from the property, it is illegal to do so.  Following the specifics of the law, right from the beginning of the process, can ensure a quick process and a favorable result.  Even if you think your case is straightforward, complications can arise at any time.  If a tenant does not want to leave, they can make it very difficult for you to have them removed. They can easily extend the process by challenging your actions and finding mistakes (however minor they may be) which could force you to start the process all over.  And of course, the more time your case is delayed in the court system, the more money you lose in unpaid rent.

At Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd, our experienced attorneys understand the legal challenges landlords face, and we can help you to legally regain control of your property as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Contact our Grayslake office at 847-223-1500 to learn how we can help you through even the most complex cases.

5 Truly Important Reasons to Prepare a Will Now

When it comes to preparing a will, there is seriously no better time than right now. Here are some important reasons why you should not put it off any longer.

prepare a willPreparing a will is not a task that most people look forward to.  For one, it brings into reality the possibility of not being here someday, and nobody really wants to think about that.  Also, younger, healthy people may feel like they have all the time in the world to get it done.  So it gets pushed off, and procrastinated and moved to the bottom of the to-do list over and over again. But when it comes to preparing that will, there is seriously no better time than right now.  Here is why you should not put it off any longer.

Prepare a Will to Protect Your Children

As a parent, protecting your kids should be at the top of your list of priorities.  If you can’t be here to care for them, a will allows you to specify who will take on that responsibility.  Without a will, you lose that power, as the court system will decide for you.

Prepare a Will to Decide Who Gets What

Even if you don’t have a huge estate, you still want to have the final say in how it gets divided among those you care about.  When you prepare a will, it will clearly state who gets your assets, property and even pets.  Additionally, you can also indicate if there is any person (such as an ex) that you specifically do not want to inherit any part of your estate.

Prepare a Will to Choose Someone to Manage Your Estate

In your will, you have the option of naming an executor who is responsible for managing the distribution of your estate and carrying out your specific instructions.  This should be someone you trust to responsibly wrap up the details of your estate, such as closing out accounts, paying final bills or debts, filing final income tax returns and more.

Prepare a Will to Keep Peace Within the Family

Unfortunately, the passing of a loved one can often lead to disagreements between family members.  Everything from how assets should be distributed to who should be in charge of managing the estate can all come into question without specific instructions that are detailed in a will.  Additionally, when no will has been prepared, your loved ones can be subjected to a more complicated, time-consuming and expensive process in probate court.  When you prepare a detailed will, you can help eliminate or reduce undue stress and unnecessary disputes among family members and keep peace within the family.

Prepare a Will for Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have your affairs in order in case of the unexpected can lead to a great sense of comfort.  When you prepare a will, you know that your family will be protected and your loved ones will not have a huge burden awaiting them.

We Are Estate Planning Experts

The team at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd has decades of experience helping our community members prepare their estate and plan for the future security of their loved ones.  From will preparation to probate and trust administration, we can help you develop an estate plan that works for your specific needs.  Contact our Grayslake office today at 847-223-1500 to schedule a consultation.

8 Possible Reasons Your Insurance Claim Got Denied

Although it might be a difficult road, it is possible to get an insurance claim denial reversed. A qualified attorney, like those at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd, can make a difference in whether you emerge victorious in your insurance claim dispute.

insurance claimThe reason you purchase insurance, of course, is to financially protect yourself or your business.  The costs incurred from an accident, illness or other catastrophic event could be devastating without insurance protection.  So you pay your monthly premiums and assume your provider will have your back if you need them.  Unfortunately, that’s not always the result when filing an insurance claim.  Having your claim denied can be frustrating, and it may leave you wondering if there is any way to contest the denial.  Although it might be a difficult road, it is possible to get a denial reversed.  A qualified attorney, like those at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd, can make a difference in whether you emerge victorious in your insurance claim dispute.

Every Insurance Policy is Different  

Each insurance carrier has their own set of rules and exclusions, and they can vary greatly between companies.  For example, what is covered, what is not covered, and under what circumstances, are all specified within the policy itself.  When an insurance claim is filed, the claims adjuster is responsible for determining if the claim is valid, based on his or her interpretation of the terms of the policy.  If the adjuster makes the decision to deny the claim it can be very difficult to get the decision changed.

Why a Claim Might Get Denied

A claims adjuster will deny a claim if he or she believes that the claim does not meet their criteria for approval.  Some examples of reasons for denial include:

  • The claim exceeds the policy coverage limits
  • You are filing a claim for coverage that you did not purchase as part of your policy
  • You misrepresented information when applying for the insurance policy
  • The insurance company suspects fraud
  • Important details have been left out of the filed claim
  • The claim was not filed on time
  • The insurance company believes your own negligence was a contributing factor
  • The policy’s fine print may contain exclusions pertaining to the details of your claim

What You Can Do to Dispute a Denied Claim

If you feel that your claim was unfairly denied, you can always ask the insurer to reconsider.  In the best-case scenario, they reverse their decision and your claim gets paid.  However, disputes involving insurance are typically not that easy, and most people don’t want to take on an escalated fight alone.  Insurance companies can seem large and intimidating, as they are often supported by a strong team of legal experts.  Accordingly, it would make sense to have an equally strong defense to argue your case.  An experienced attorney can help determine why the claim was denied, and therefore create the best strategy for a defense.

The attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd have successfully represented many clients in a variety of insurance claim disputes.  From the real estate industry to auto policies to life insurance disputes and more, our team has the experience to help you get the results you want.  To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact our office at 847-223-1500.


Additional information can be referenced here

Raise a Toast for the Return of the Grayslake Craft Beer Festival

Over 150 varieties of craft beer, food, music and more. Find information about the 2021 Grayslake Craft Beer Festival plus a link to purchase tickets here

craft beer festival grayslakeCraft beer lovers are in for a really fun afternoon with the return of the Grayslake Craft Beer Festival for 2021.  The event is taking place on September 18, 2021 with regular admission running from 1:00pm – 5:00pm, and a special VIP session from 12:00pm – 1:00pm.  The festival grounds are located at 61 S. Whitney Street in Downtown Grayslake.  Once again, Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor of this annual Grayslake Chamber event.

Whether you are a long-time lover of craft beer, or if you are curious to try something new, there will be plenty of choices on hand.  With over 150 varieties to sample from over 65 breweries, covering a wide range of brewing styles and flavors, you might just find your new favorite beer!

Craft Beer for a Good Cause

While you are enjoying that fantastic beer, local food and musical entertainment, you can feel good knowing that you are also contributing to a good cause.  In fact, all of the net proceeds from this event will go to the Grayslake Scholarship Fund, NFP.  Each year, the fund has awarded more than $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students!

Ticket Information

VIP Tickets                           $75

Regular admission           $40 in advance

$45 if purchased at the door

Designated driver            $15

**Remember – if you purchased tickets for the 2020 event, they are still good to use this year on 9/18/21!

Purchase advance tickets here: https://events.beerfests.com/e/grayslakebeerfest/tickets

For additional important information, please visit: https://www.grayslakebeerfest.com/


Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

3 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing an Attorney

Working with a qualified attorney can make all the difference in your legal success so it’s good to be prepared ahead of time. The following factors can help you determine which attorney is right for you.

choosing attorneyMost people will require legal representation at some point in their lives, and when that time comes you want to be assured that you have the best attorney by your side.  Seemingly straightforward cases may not actually turn out that way once you get to court, and more complex cases that involve a longer process may be difficult to navigate alone.  Working with a qualified attorney can make all the difference in your legal success so it’s good to be prepared ahead of time.  The following factors can help you determine which attorney is right for you.

Experience of the Attorney

When choosing an attorney, consider the amount of experience they have, as well as the specific types of law they practice.  Whether you need representation in court, or assistance in appealing property taxes, make sure your attorney has the knowledge to take on the task successfully.  One thing to remember is that experience can be much more impactful than just education when it comes to handling a case.  For example, an experienced attorney has usually learned how to effectively deal with judges, juries, other attorneys, insurance adjusters and more. This refined knowledge can make a difference in the successful outcome of your case.

Size of the Firm

There are thousands of law firms out there, ranging in size from extremely large corporate firms to individual attorney practices.  You ultimately have to work with a firm you feel comfortable with.  But you should note that “larger” is not always better when it comes to a law firm.  For example, large firms may have the manpower and resources to take on more high-profile cases, but you may end up losing the personal, prompt attention you want as an individual or small business.  At Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd., we have been on the same street corner for over 100 years and we proudly combine large firm experience with the atmosphere of a smaller practice.  We consistently provide high-caliber legal services, while treating our clients with honesty and respect.

Comfort Level

You should always feel comfortable in the presence of your attorney.  It is imperative that you are able to ask any questions you may have, and that you have trust in the answers you receive.  Establishing this comfortable relationship and open communication will allow you to share all of the important information that your attorney needs in order to properly represent you and prepare for your case.  Trust, communication and mutual respect are all very important factors so consider them very carefully in your final decision.

At Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, we have worked hard to earn the trust and respect of our community.  We specialize in several different areas of law, including litigation, real estate, estate planning and business law, which allows us the opportunity to serve a wide range of client needs.

Contact us at 847-223-1500 for more information.


Reference additional information here

Awesome Family Fun Awaits at Grayslake Summer Days 2021

The Grayslake Summer Days Festival is back for 2021. Find important event details, a band and entertainment schedule and more here!

Grayslake Summer Days 2021Have a blast this summer and join in the Grayslake 125+1 Celebration at the Grayslake Summer Days festival!  Brought to you by the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce and the Village of Grayslake, and sponsored in part by Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd, this year’s event promises to be great fun for the whole family.

The event will take place on Friday, August 20 from 5:00pm – midnight and Saturday, August 21 from noon – midnight.  The Summer Days festival is located at the Whitney Street Festival Site in Downtown Grayslake and it is FREE to attend, so it’s the perfect way to spend quality time with friends and family.

There will be lots of fun activities to choose from, such as listening to great music, trying your luck at the carnival games, enjoying delicious food or visiting the many business booths throughout the festival.

Grayslake Summer Days 2021 Schedule

Friday, August 20

5:00                        Carnival games / food booths

5:00                        Business booth area open

6:00                        Blooze Bros band

8:00                        Total Recall band

10:00                     Seventh Heaven


Saturday, August 21


12:00                     Carnival games / food booths

12:00                     Business booth area opens

1:00                        Touch-a-Truck

Activities by Lake County Farm Heritage Equipment

1:00                        Exchange Pet and Bike parade

Line up on Slusser Street

2:30                        Pie eating contest

3:30                        Slam Funk – Grayslake North students



5:00                        Svelte Bobby and the Soul Fixers

6:00                       Summer Days Parade

Celebrating Grayslake 125+1

8:00                        American English

10:00                     Modern Day Romeos


Visit www.grayslakechamber.com for more information!


Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

5 Crucial Ways a Mechanic’s Lien Helps Contractors Get Paid

Filing a mechanic’s lien is a great way to recover debt, and will usually get a quick response – BUT ONLY if it is executed properly! From residential claims to large commercial projects, our experienced team knows how to properly perfect and enforce a mechanic’s lien to achieve a successful settlement.

contractors mechanic's lienConstruction season is in full swing in Illinois.  The housing market is booming and new construction projects and subdivisions are being completed in record numbers.  At the same time, homeowners have been doing a lot of home improvements, such as finishing basements and building decks, in order to get more enjoyment out of being at home.

These projects often require a lot of up-front capital on the part of contractors and suppliers, so they want to ensure that they get paid in full for the work they complete or the materials they supply.  The most effective way to collect money that is owed is by enforcing a Mechanic’s Lien.

Explanation of a Mechanic’s Lien

A mechanics lien is a legal document that is filed by a contractor or subcontractor and secured against a property (like a mortgage) for a specific amount of money, in order to secure payment.  In Illinois, original contractors (such as architects, engineers, laborers or construction managers) and subcontractors (typically hired and paid by the general contractor or other contractor) who provide labor or supplies for the improvement of real property are entitled to file a mechanics lien.

A Mechanic’s Lien Helps Contractors and Suppliers Get Paid

A mechanic’s lien is very valuable in ensuring that contractors and suppliers get the money that is owed to them.  Here are some important ways they help to accomplish that:

  1. It provides security interest in the property.  The mechanic’s lien is recorded and will appear on a title search of the property, which means the property cannot be sold or refinanced without the lien being paid off.
  2. A construction project may be obligated to remain free of liens in order to meet the terms of the contract, which should ensure prompt payment if a mechanic’s lien was filed.
  3. Because it is secured to the property, it gives your debt legal priority over other debt which can help in a bankruptcy situation
  4. It puts pressure on the property owner or lender to ensure payment of your debt, in order to avoid additional expense or project delays
  5. Mechanic’s liens are difficult to challenge and hard to remove without being paid (as long as they are filed properly and there are no technical mistakes)

Perfecting and enforcing a mechanic’s lien is not a simple process.  Some of the many steps involved include sending all of the correct preliminary documents, such as the preliminary notice and notice of intent, making sure the lien contains the proper information, perfecting the wording, filing during the appropriate time period and serving the document properly.  A mistake during any of these crucial steps can invalidate your lien.

Experience and understanding of Illinois mechanic’s lien law is imperative to perfect and enforce mechanic’s lien rights.  The experienced attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd have represented general contractors, material suppliers, developers, laborers and subcontractor clients to perfect and enforce liens of all sizes.  From smaller residential claims to commercial claims in excess of $1 million, our team will help ensure a successful settlement.  Contact us with all of your questions at 847-223-1500.

51ST Annual Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing

Grayslake area golf enthusiasts – this event is for you! The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce is hosting its 51st annual Golf Outing, and Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor. Get the details and a link to register here.

golf outing 2021Grayslake area golf enthusiasts – this event is for you!  The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce is hosting its 51st annual Golf Outing, and Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor.  Skill level doesn’t matter – whether you shoot like a pro or your game needs some help, all are welcome to come out and enjoy this fun full-day event.  It’s time to start gathering your group and planning for a great time in the outdoors at a beautiful club!

Event Details:

The Grayslake Chamber Golf Outing is once again being held at Stonewall Orchard Golf Club, a magnificent 18-hole course designed by renowned golf course architect Arthur Hills.  You’ll enjoy rolling hills, wetlands and wildlife, thousands of mature pine and oak trees, and a variety of challenging holes throughout your game.  A summary of the day is as follows:

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

12:00 PM – 7:00 PM CST


Noon: Registration and Lunch

1PM – Shotgun Start

5:30PM – Mixer

6:30PM – Dinner

Fees to Participate:

Golf package: $150 per Golfer

Mixer and Dinner Only: $35


Stonewall Orchard Golf Club

25675 W Illinois Highway 60

Grayslake, IL  60030

Attire for Golfers:

Collared shirts, Bermuda-length shorts, no jeans or metal spikes

For additional information, and to register, click here: http://grayslakechamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/chamber-golf-outing-902?calendarMonth=2021-07-01

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

4 Ways to Successfully Appeal Your Property Taxes

Property values seem to be rapidly increasing, and that usually means a higher tax bill. But don’t lose hope – there are ways to appeal to get your property taxes lowered. Here is what you need to know to successfully appeal your bill and pay less moving forward.

tax appealProperty values seem to be rapidly increasing during this housing boom we are experiencing.  And while that’s great when trying to sell your house, it’s not so great when it comes to paying your property taxes.  But don’t lose hope – there are ways to appeal to get your property taxes lowered.  Here is what you need to know to successfully appeal your bill and pay less moving forward.

Understand Your Property Value

Your property tax bill is based on the assessed value of your house.  However, the assessed value is not the same as the market value.  The market value is what your home might sell for, based on factors like size and positive/negative attributes, location, supply and demand and what other homes around it are selling for.  The assessed value is determined by looking at the sales prices of similar nearby properties to arrive at an initial value for your home.  Then they deduct any tax exemptions that you qualify for.  Finally, that number is multiplied by a set percentage rate (also known as an assessment rate or assessment ratio) to calculate the final assessed value of the property.  If your home’s value looks low on your assessment, it is because that assessed value is only a fraction of the full market value.

Correct Any Incorrect Property Information

Your assessed value is based on the property information that the assessor’s office has on file.  They use things like total square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, finished living space and more to determine the value of your property.  Our attorneys can request a copy of the internal notes and data the assessor is using, to confirm that the information is accurate, and that they have compared your home to other homes of similar size, age, etc. when determining your home’s value.  The most accurate assessments take all of this information into account, and a successful appeal is often won due to misinformation or improper home comparisons.

Act Fast

When it comes to appealing your property taxes, timing is everything.  There are certain appeal deadline dates that must be met, according to the township your property is located in.  If you miss the deadline, there is nothing you can do until next year.  That being said, here is a list of dates to follow, as listed on the Lake County Tax Assessor website.  Not all dates have been designated yet, but visit their site regularly HERE for updated information.   As of July 7, 2021, the deadlines are as follows:

lake county tax appeal

Work With the Right Attorney

There are many details to consider during the tax appeal process and even if you present a good case, the assessor does not have to agree with you.  In fact, they will often do their best to defend their original estimate.  However, a qualified attorney can make a significant difference in a successful appeal.

The attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd in Grayslake are experienced in reducing real estate tax liability and we have an extremely high success rate when it comes to saving our clients money.  We will provide a free initial evaluation to determine if an appeal is warranted – and will not charge any fee unless we successfully reduce your taxesContact us at 847-223-1500 to learn more or to schedule your consultation.

5K Family Fun Run in Downtown Grayslake

The Grayslake 5K Family Fun Run is back for 2021 and it’s sure to be a fun, family-friendly activity for those of all ages and abilities! Get the details and a link to register here!

Grayslake 5K family fun runGrayslake area families – are you looking for a fun and healthy activity that the whole family can enjoy together?  Put on those running (or walking) shoes, because the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce is again hosting the annual 5K Family Fun Run – and Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor!  This is an excellent way for community members of all ages and abilities to get outside and enjoy the sights of historic downtown Grayslake.  Runners, walkers, wheelchair athletes and strollers are all encouraged to take part in this great event.  Casually complete the course, or get competitive – it’s up to you!

Fun Run Details

  • The 5K Family Fun Run will take place on Saturday, July 10, 2021
  • The race starts at 8:00am and the event ends at 9:30am CST
  • Race location is Center Street & Seymour Avenue in Grayslake
  • The cost to register is $25 per person before July 1, 2021 or $30 per person after July 1, 2021
  • Kids Fun Run is available to kids age 5-8 for a $5.00 registration fee

Don’t miss your chance to register!  The event is coming quickly so be sure to register now.  REGISTER HERE: https://raceroster.com/events/2021/30612/grayslake-5k

For more information about the Grayslake Chamber of Commerce and to see other upcoming events, visit them online here: http://grayslakechamber.com/

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

Seller Disclosure Requirements: Home Sellers Can’t Afford to Get This Wrong

Selling a home in IL is an exciting process, but you need to be fully prepared! Home sellers must be aware of and comply with their legal disclosure obligations in order to avoid legal issues down the line.


seller disclosureIf there was ever a great time to sell a house it’s now!  The market is hot, hot, hot, with newly-listed properties often fielding multiple offers, many even above the listing price. But for all the advantages of selling, home sellers must also be aware of their legal disclosure obligations in order to avoid legal issues down the line.

Federal Disclosure Requirements

If you are selling a home that was built prior to 1978, you must comply with the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992.  This law requires the seller to provide the buyer with a disclosure statement regarding any lead-based paint in the house, as well as a specific Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pamphlet.  Additionally, buyers must be given the opportunity to test for lead, warnings must be written into the sales contract and signed statements must be obtained from all parties (and kept for three years) that verify legal compliance of all requirements.

Illinois Disclosure Requirements

The Illinois Residential Real Property Disclosure Act was enacted in 1994 to protect home buyers from hidden or unanticipated home defects for up to one year after purchasing a home.  The seller must complete this form accurately to the best of their ability and fully disclose any known issues with the following:

  • Flooding or leaking in the basement or crawlspace
  • Defects in the foundation, roof, ceiling, chimney, walls or floors
  • Defects in the electrical, plumbing, well or HVAC systems
  • Defects in the septic or disposal system
  • Safety of the drinking water
  • Whether the property is located in a flood plane
  • Presence of unsafe conditions concerning asbestos, lead paint, lead pipes or lead in the soil
  • Presence of underground fuel tanks
  • Known infestations of termites or wood-boring insects
  • Boundary line disputes
  • Whether the property is in violation of any laws
  • Whether the property has ever been used a methamphetamine lab
  • Whether the seller has occupied the property for the past 12 months

It is important for the seller to be honest when completing the disclosures.  In fact, if the buyer’s inspection reveals issues that were not initially disclosed, the buyer can legally terminate the sales contract.  Additionally, if the sale goes through but the buyer discovers issues after closing, the seller can be held liable for the cost to repair those issues for up to a year after the sale.

The experienced attorneys at Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd have assisted with thousands of real estate transactions throughout the years.  We know what to watch out for and how to keep you legally protected.  Whether you are selling your house on your own or with the help of a real estate agent, the disclosure requirements remain the same.  Working with one of our qualified attorneys will help ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable laws and avoid legal issues throughout the selling process.  If you’ve decided to sell, contact our office at 847-223-1500 and we’ll help you prepare the right way, right from the start.

Grayslake Arts Festival & Wine Tasting 2021

The Grayslake Arts Festival and Wine Tasting event is back for 2021, and Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor. Find the details of the event along with a link for advance tickets here!

Who’s Ready for Some Amazing Art and Great Wine?

Grayslake Arts Festival and Wine Tasting 2021


Just in time to kick off a summer of fun, the Grayslake Arts Festival and Wine Tasting event is BACK!  Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is a proud sponsor of this well-loved local event that’s hosted by the Grayslake Area Chamber of Commerce and showcases the incredible works of many talented artists.  While you are perusing the beautiful pieces, visitors who are 21 and older can try out a variety of wines that will be available for tasting.  This is a wonderful event where you can find and purchase a unique work of art and also discover a new favorite wine!

The Grayslake Arts Festival and Wine Tasting will take place on Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST in historic Downtown Grayslake, with the wine tasting hours at 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.  Food will be available for purchase and entertainment will be provided by Slam Funk and Dance Connections.  Admission to the arts festival is FREE.  Tickets for the wine tasting are $12 in advance or $15 on the day of the event, and include a glass plus 4 tastings.

Visit the official chamber website for more information and to purchase advanced wine tasting tickets: http://grayslakechamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/arts-festival-and-wine-tasting-893?calendarMonth=2021-06-01


Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd is your Source for Legal Assistance in the Grayslake Area

Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd proudly supports our community and has been an established source of legal guidance in Grayslake and the surrounding areas for over 100 years.   If you are a business owner, we can help with a wide range of services such as partnerships, succession planning, financing, litigation and more.  Individuals benefit from our expertise in estate planning and will preparation, real estate and zoning assistance, landlord-tenant disputes, personal lawsuits and so many other legal services.  Learn more about our professional areas of practice HERE and see why we remain one of the area’s most trusted legal sources.

© Churchill, Quinn, Hamilton & Van Donselaar 2024 2 S. Whitney Street, Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone: (847) 223-1500   FAX: (847) 223-1700